Psychology 40S Stress and Health Carla McMurray Source: PSYCHOLOGY (9th Edition) David Myers Worth Publishers, © 2010
Events Reactions Definition As a group, on the top half of your chart paper, write down events in your life that cause stress. On the bottom half, describe your most prominent reaction to that stress, i.e. how do you react physiologically/ mentally? Sweaty palms, pounding chest, etc. Create a personal/group definition for stress Events Reactions Definition
When we feel severe stress, our ability to cope with it is impaired. Stress and Health Stress is any circumstance (real or perceived) that threatens a person’s well-being. Preview Question 11: What is stress? Lee Stone/ Corbis When we feel severe stress, our ability to cope with it is impaired.
Stress and Stressors At times STRESS is the stimulus (missing an appointment) and at other times it is a response (sweating while taking a test). .
Stress and Stressors A STRESSOR is a stress-producing event or situation. Traveling in an airplane may be a stressor for someone who has never flown but not for a flight attendant
Stress vs Stressor Stress - The physical and psychological (real or perceived) reactions to demanding or threatening situations Reactionary response to stimulus Stressor – The demanding or threatening situations that produce stress Stimulus
Stress is normal Stress is a normal even essential part of life that goes hand in hand with working toward any goal or facing any challenge. Whether we like it or not, we cannot escape stress but we can however learn to cope with stress so that it makes our lives interesting without overwhelming us.
Stress can be maladaptive Stress can be adaptive In a fearful or stress causing situation, we can run away and save our lives. Stress can be maladaptive If it is prolonged (chronic stress), it increases our risk of illness and health problems.
Stress and Health Videos: The Game That Can Give You Ten Extra Years How to Make Stress Your Friend Found on: mcmurray website Journal Entry: After watching the 2 Ted Talks, reflect on the one you liked the most and why. What have you learned that can be applied to your life. Be specific
Two Types of Stress Distress (Negative Stress) – stress that stems from acute anxiety or pressure. This type of stress can take a harsh toll on the mind and body. Eustress – positive stress which motivates and challenges the person
Stress and Stressors Stress is not merely a stimulus or a response. It is a process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges. Bob Daemmrich/ The Image Works When short-lived or taken as a challenge, stressors may have positive effects. However, if stress is threatening or prolonged, it can be harmful.
Activity Choose a stressful event in your life and write it down. Appraise it first as a threat and then as a challenge. Explain what that would look like.
The Stress Response System Fight or Flight Walter Cannon introduced the term stress. He proposed that the stress response (fast) was a fight-or-flight response marked by the outpouring of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the inner adrenal glands
Stressful Life Events Catastrophic Events: Catastrophic events like earthquakes, combat stress, and floods lead individuals to become depressed, sleepless, and anxious. Significant Life Changes: The death of a loved one, a divorce, a loss of job, or a promotion may leave individuals vulnerable to disease. Daily Hassles: Rush hour traffic, long lines, job stress, and becoming burnt-out are the most significant sources of stress and can damage health. Preview Question 12: What events provoke stress response?
Stress and the Heart Stress that leads to elevated blood pressure may result in coronary heart disease, a clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle. Plaque in coronary artery Artery clogged Preview Question 13: Why are some of us more prone than others to coronary heart disease?
Stress and Colds Experiment: Drops of the common cold virus where given to subjects. Those who were stressed were twice as likely to develop a cold.
Personality Types Type A is a term used for competitive, hard-driving, impatient, verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people. Type B refers to easygoing, relaxed people. Type A personalities are more likely to develop coronary heart disease.
Coping with Stress Problem-focused coping and Emotion-focused coping. Reducing stress by changing events that cause stress or by changing how we react to stress is called problem-focused coping. Taking control Seeking information Evaluation the pros and cons Preview Question 15: What factors affect our ability to cope with stress?
Coping with Stress Emotion-focused coping is when we cannot change a stressful situation, and we respond by attending to our own emotional needs.(You think about your emotions or you can avoid them.) Keeping yourself busy/distracting yourself to take mind off issue Letting off steam to other people Praying for guidance and strength Ignoring problem Building yourself up to expect the worse Women tend to use more emotion focused strategies then men Preview Question 15: What factors affect our ability to cope with stress?
Personal Control External Locus of Control: When people feel that chance or outside forces beyond their control determines their fate. Internal Locus of Control: When people feel that they control their own fate.
Develop An Internal Locus of Control Realize that you always have choice to change your situation. If you feel trapped, make a list of all possible courses of action. Brainstorm with a friend to get more ideas When you have a list, evaluate each one and decide on the best course of action for you. Repeat this practice when you feel trapped in frustrating situations in your life. Tips: Notice your language and self talk. Phase out phrases like, ‘I have no choice’, and, ‘I can’t…” You can replace them with, ‘I choose not to,’ or, ‘I don’t like my choices, but I will…’ Your attitude affects your stress level more than you may realize.
Social Support Supportive family members, marriage partners, and close friends help people cope with stress. Their immune functioning calms the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure.