Catholic Mission Focus Autumn Term 2017 Primary Schools Please spend a few minutes reflecting on this aspect of a school’s mission at the beginning of the meeting of the Full Governing Body.
Working with the Parish Community life in the school which recognises a partnership with families and the parishes of the Diocese.
Why is the relationship between the school and its local parishes important? In ‘Christifideles Laici' Pope St. John Paul II described the Parish as a ‘formation community’. ‘The parish is not principally a structure, a territory, or a building, but rather, "the family of God, a fellowship afire with a unifying spirit", "a familial and welcoming home", the "community of the faithful". Plainly and simply, the parish is founded on a theological reality, because it is a Eucharistic community.’ Through the parish, the school is invited to be part of the Eucharistic community.
What does ‘parish’ mean to children? The local parish community and church are usually all children’s first experience of ‘the Church’. Catholic children experience catechesis in the parish when they prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Children who go to Mass with their families often join in Children’s Liturgy and experience being part of the parish community.
Meeting points? Questions to prompt a brief and reflective discussion.
As the number of priests reduces over the coming years, what opportunities are there to deepen relationships with the local parish(es)? Where does the school meet the parish now? Foundation Governors are usually drawn from the local parish(es). Are there opportunities to share and celebrate the work of Governors in the parish? Are families and staff aware of the needs of the parish or the spiritual and financial support the school receives from the parish community? Where can meeting points between school and parish be deepened so that the partnership between families, school and parish become the living Church?
Thank you for all your work for the schools of the Diocese. Please end by asking Our Lady’s help in making our school’s and parishes a family of one heart and mind. Hail Mary …