Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA Welcome to Listen for a Change! Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
David Dolores Pastoral Service Appeal Certificate in Fundraising Omaha Development Institute We Welcome all the Attending to the conference We will do a small introduction of our self We will do a small prayer Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
The Diocese of San Bernardino welcomes you. LISTEN for a change! The Diocese of San Bernardino welcomes you. We serve the Catholic Church of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties in California. Go over our Diocese of San Bernardino A. The number of Catholics in the Diocese of San Bernardino is 1.6M person B. We are a Mission Diocese ( we are below the poverty line) C. our diocese welcomes and serves many different Catholic Ethnicity D. Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
LISTEN for a change! All changes come from truly listening. Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA LISTEN for a change! What is Culture ? What is Ethnicity ? Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
We Are ONE! LISTEN for a change! What is Catholic Culture? We all believe in one God ! We all believe in one Lord Jesus Christ! We all believe in the Holy Spirit! We all believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church! We Are ONE! Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA LISTEN for a change! What is Ethnicity? The way we celebrate our catholic tradition from our country of Origin. Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
One part of Stewardship is charitable giving!!!! LISTEN for a change! One part of Stewardship is charitable giving!!!! More that 2,000 references are made in the Bible about our social responsibility to care for one another. Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
Mexico help us to understand? LISTEN for a change! What does the ethnic origin on giving in Mexico help us to understand? Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
LISTEN for a change! All changes come from truly listening. What do you hear? Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
CHANGE! Listen for a How do you accept change? Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
restructured the PSA to meet the needs of our faith communities. Listen for a CHANGE! Diocese of San Bernardino restructured the PSA to meet the needs of our faith communities. Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
Our PSA helps us meet the growing needs of our parishes! Listen for a CHANGE! Our PSA helps us meet the growing needs of our parishes! Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
We focus on increased participation. Listen for a CHANGE! We focus on increased participation. “Everybody can give something!” Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
When we train our parish leaders we tell them to: Listen for a CHANGE! When we train our parish leaders we tell them to: Be Real, Know Your Stuff, Be Passionate. Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
Our solicitation process is focused on: Listen for a CHANGE! Our solicitation process is focused on: “Be open to meeting people where they are.” Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
This is our planning process. Listen for a CHANGE! Campaign Schedule Name Beneficiary Of Proceeds Target Market Strategy January and February DDF Annual Appeal Kick Off Appeal DDF Corporation Parishes Parish & In-Pew Solicitation May / June Second Appeal Home mailing July Lapsed Donor HOPE Fund Lapsed donors (2 Yr. Non Giving) Home mailings August DDF Annual Appeal Workshop DDF Corporation 6 Vicariates September Final Solicitation Workshops & Mailers October Unpaid Pledges Parish training of volunteers on follow up calls to donors December DDF Annual Appeal for Renewal Donors to Current Year Appeal Home mailers This is our planning process. Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA Listen for a Change ! We Are ONE! ONE Church, ONE Body. Open to meeting people where they are… New way of thinking… Engaged in conversion that leads people closer to God… Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA
Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA Listen for a Change ! Q & A Thank You! Mission Advancement * Diocese of San Bernardino, CA