Room: P2-26 (SEU at City East) Welcome! Student Evaluation: Requirements for evaluation and strategies for ethically engaging with students about evaluation Date: 20 April Time: 10.10 to 12 PM Room: P2-26 (SEU at City East)
Student Evaluation Agenda Administrative side of MCE Help ……Mycourseexperience also Other things you can do… Not: “Dealing with feedback”
Starting points Know its not a perfect tool Whole heap or language eg ‘student satisfaction’…doesn’t help Response rates are low…..heap of arguments about which students respond… Yet it carries significance
Just for interest
Brief History Used to be two ..still hear this terminology SET………. Student Evaluation of Teaching Voluntary Only you could ‘see’ CEI ……….Course Evaluation Instrument Rule: every course must be evaluated each time it is run ……usually but not always meant a CEI……problem Response rates low…too many questions and too many instruments MyCourseExperience was born: started with 7 questions now there are 13
Administration side of things: use the formal “Help Page” Found through Teaching technologies Direct link
Big Points The system creates both sets (Course and Teacher) evaluation questions at the beginning of the study period (Not released…created) If the CC doesn’t ‘do’ anything it opens 30 days before the end of the SP Will close LAST day of the study period BUT these dates can be changed by the CC….must be open for a minimum of 1 week Teacher evaluations ..Automatically established for all staff associated with the course Can be ‘deactivated’ Should not be deactivated without the permission of the teacher being evaluated Note 1: Deactivation is not possible if responses have been submitted. A Head of School request for evaluation deletion must be logged with the Help Desk. Note 2: All deactivations are logged and a report to Heads of School can be generated on request.
Timing Action Trigger Evaluations open date End of study period minus 30 days Email invitation to Course Coordinator to select optional questions 14 Days before evaluation open date Email reminder 1 to Course Coordinator if no optional questions are selected 11 Days before evaluation open date Email reminder 2 to Course Coordinator if no optional questions are selected 8 Days before evaluation open date Question selection ends When the first response is received Email invitation to students to complete evaluation Evaluation open date First student reminder email 3 Days after the evaluation open date Second student reminder email 7 days after the evaluation open date Evaluation close Last day of the study period
Core Course Questions Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this course. I have a clear idea of what is expected of me in this course. The assessment items assisted my learning in this course I have received feedback that is constructive and helpful. The learnonline course site resources were of a high quality. Overall, what are the strengths of this course? Are there any ways this course could be improved?
Core Teacher Questions Overall, I was satisfied with the performance of the staff member. The staff member supported my learning. The staff member helped me to understand key concepts of the course. The staff member helped to make the course interesting. What were the best aspects of this staff member’s teaching? How could this staff member improve their teaching?
Who can view Head of School access The Head of School Access page provides real-time myCourseExperience course and teacher evaluation data for Heads of School. Course evaluation results for all offerings in the selected study period Teacher evaluations for all teaching staff associated with the course in the selected study period The Teacher Search result provides Teacher evaluation results for the nominated teacher in the selected study period Course evaluation results for all courses associated with the teacher in the selected study period
The theory is anyone in a direct line above you Who can view? The theory is anyone in a direct line above you Course Coordinators can view: Course evaluation responses Teacher evaluation responses for instructors in their course teaching team only Instructors can view: Responses for their own teacher evaluations only Heads of School, Deans Teaching & Learning and Divisional Pro Vice Chancellors can access teacher evaluation data using resources in the Restricted Student Evaluation of Teaching Folder in BI Reporting. Program Directors can request reports through their Head of School who will lodge a VIP Request with Business Intelligence and Planning.
The Maths Strongly disagree -100 Disagree -50 Neutral Agree 50 Strongly agree 100 So a score of 50 means every last student agreed I find it odd that a score of 50 represents 100% approval
That was the admin part Questions so far?
A34 access to students and staff Assessment GPA Retention rates Interview teaching staff Peer Partnerships Don’t forget…Discipline context Other forms of evaluation Focus groups with students
Strategies for mycourseexperience Why do we wait till the end? If a student is failing there should be no shock Same for us..we should know We wouldn’t wait till the end if it was our research Problem with asking direct questions…Power imbalance.. Strategy 1: Establish a weekly feedback related to THEM ..Self assessment Strategy 2: Define the questions..establish meaning and connect to learning Strategy 3: Exit questions Creating opportunities to allow students to signal there is a problem: if its formative assessment then its likely to work Other examples
So what is a good score?