Don Quijote de La Mancha Important animal characters in the book of “Don Quixote” by Miguel Cervantes.
Don Quijote de La Mancha Don Quixote tells the story of a gentleman of La Mancha, about fifty years old, which is crazy because of reading many books of chivalry. The protagonist believes that books of chivalry tell real events, and decides to leave his village in search of adventures similar to those of his literary heroes with the goal of <<solve problems and protect maids>>. In his mind, he confuses reality and literature: the mills will be giants, and the flocks will become armies of knights.
Estructure Don Quixote was published in two parts: the first, written in 1605, and the second in 1615. Don Quixote is one of the best literary books in the world. It is the second best-selling book after the Bible.
Rocinante Rocinante was the horse of Don Quixote. Don Quixote was accompanied in all his adventures by Rocinante, fighting giants and armies of soldiers, Rocinante was a very thin and tall horse. Don Quixote always trusted him in all his adventures and spoke to him as if he were his confident friend. He always trusted on his horse.
“RECIO” EL BURRO Sancho Panza's donkey had no name but was called by Sancho ”RECIO” whose term refers to a feature of the fur of animals, in particular light brown, white or grey. He accompanied Sancho and Quijote during the trip.
Made by: Francisco Javier Usero Asensio and Gonzalo Vicente Pagán