Information literacy instruction and assessment : a collaborate design Building writing intensive courses through the enhancement of students’ information research skills
WHY A COLLABORATIVE DESIGN? Biggs (2003) explains that an integrated system reinforce learning (teaching and assessment). Tyler (1949): “Is what he (student) does that he learns, not what the teacher does” Nerz and Bullard (2006) denotes that we must move beyond “decoupled instruction which is quickly forgotten, to “just in time” needs based content”
Explanations Tyler Learning takes place through the active behavior of the student Linking information competencies to an assignment related to class material Instructor and librarians will move beyond
Student Learning Outcomes for Critical Issues in Community Health Navigate library resources Evaluate and select articles from journals, reference books, and websites Summarize and synthesize resources in a five page paper written in drafts Design an educational handout to accompany the oral presentation
Collaborative Work Faculty and librarian plan four information literacy sessions Hands on development and practice of information skills - students learn by doing Coaching each step of the way Student peer review and practice with classmates Librarian and WAC fellow attend oral presentations
INFORMATION LITERACY Outcomes Initial assessment of students’ library search skills Instruction on the types of information sources and searching techniques Students practice searching for information with individualized instruction from the librarian Post-assessment for evaluation and planning
INFORMATION LITERACY Learning Activities Pre- and post-assessment Types of information sources, e.g. books, reference sources, journals, websites Use of keywords in searching Boolean operators in advanced searches, e.g. AND, OR, NOT Writing an annotated bibliography Selection and evaluation of websites
Explanations Learning Activity 1: View a 4 minute video on “Types of Information Sources”. Students participate on finding and locating books in the library catalog after a detailed explanation of CUNY+ Catalog. Consider explaining the table BOOK LOCATION on the brochure. They will search for REFERENCE material as well. Learning Activity 2: Students will identify all keywords related to the topic of their interest. Request several students to list some of the keywords found. Everyone attention in the process of listing the keywords is important.
explanations Learning Activity 3: An overall lecture of the different relations between keywords and make emphasis on the purpose of the Boolean operators in an advanced search module. Learning Activity 4: Students will complete a search using the keywords and review the results. Print an article of interest. Each student will consider a topic to search. Learning Activity 5: Students will select a website from the list and complete the worksheet “What’s in a Web page?”
Collaborative Products Library information resources reviewed by librarian and approved by professor Draft and final five page paper Draft and final educational handout Oral presentation Written reflection and personal assessment
students' reflections on the INFORMATION literacy sessions “In the past, I dreaded research and left it for the last minute. When I needed articles, I would use Google.” “I went back and used the written guidelines from the librarian for my APA citations and for my assignments for other courses.” “I never knew what a journal article was, or how to evaluate a web site.” “I showed my friend who attends St. John’s University how to navigate their library databases.”
Works cited Biggs, J 2003, ‘Aligning teaching and assessing to course objectives’, in Proceedings of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: New Trends and Innovations Conference, Univeristy of Aveiro, 13-17 April. Nerz, H., Bullard, L. (2006), "The literate engineer: Infusing information literacy skills throughout an engineering curriculum", 2006 ASEE Annual Conference Program: Advancing Scholarship in Engineering Education : Final Conference Program & Proceedings, June 18-21, Chicago, IL, American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, DC, Tyler, RW 1949, Basic principles of curriculum and instruction, Univeristy of Chicago, Chicago.
Contact information Professor Carlos Arguelles Department of Library & Media Services Kingsborough Community College – CUNY 2001 Oriental Blvd. Brooklyn, New York 11235 Tel: 718-368-4674