Case Summary 47세 여자 C.C.: hematochezia (내원 3일 전) Colonoscopy:


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Presentation transcript:

Case Summary 47세 여자 C.C.: hematochezia (내원 3일 전) Colonoscopy: large round mass with surface erosion and oozing at the 40cm from anal verge Surrounding mucosa was severely congested and had tortous vein

Papillary serous carcinoma Right: axial image로 long arrow – sigmoid lumen내로 stalk-like하게 extension한 부위, short arrow – sigmoid colon, mass는 후방으로 Left: coronal reconstruction image로 short arrow – sigmoid colon, mass는 상부에 큰 것



Diagnosis Colon, sigmoid, segmental resection: Papillary serous carcinoma, metastatic Operation: grossly no ovarian abnormality 2005년 6월 소화기병리연구회 의견: mesothelioma vs papillary serous carcinoma, metastatic or primary

Follow-up 1달 후 다른 병원에서 bilateral oophorectomy 시행: normal ovaries Immunohistochemistry: PEM vs PSC Calretinin: 100% vs 31% (-) D2-40: 93% vs 13% (-) Podoplanin: 93% vs 13% (-) ER: 0% vs 86% (+) PR: 0% vs 56% (-)


Final Diagnosis Primary peritoneal papillary serous carcinoma