ALEO East Midlands Friday 10th June ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO East Midlands Friday 10th June
ALEO East Midlands Chairs Update Friday 10th June 2016 ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO East Midlands Chairs Update Friday 10th June 2016
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO Executive ALEO Exec and AGM meeting 14th April John Kolm Murray re-elected as Chair, David Colbourne re-elected as Vice Chair Proposed Karen Lond as Treasurer if this is permissible for an existing Director Annual CAN/ALEO accounts agreed and signed off Agreed to change trading name of company from UK Home Energy Conservation Association Ltd to the Association of Local Energy Officers Ltd. Sponsorship secured from Happy Energy for a printed edition of the Spring/Summer ALEO News National sponsorship secured from Park Home Insulations for 12 months, from 1st June 2016 Sponsorship – ALEO continue to explore further sponsorship opportunities One day CAN conferences planned for Wigan in July and Birmingham in October Memorandum and Articles of Association – Secretariat amending with legal advice Communications Plan – Secretariat collating list of names and addresses – to send introduction letter to Talking to the media – explored whether we could compile a library of stock ALEO responses on subjects that we broadly agree so that we can respond to press enquiries Next ALEO Exec meeting re arranged Wednesday 27th July
ALEO Executive CAN becomes ALEO ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO Executive CAN becomes ALEO Association of Local Energy Officers The Association of Local Energy Officers (ALEO) is the new identity of the Carbon Action Network. ALEO is a not-for-profit organisation supporting local government officers and housing professionals with a remit for reducing all aspects of the UK’s domestic-sector carbon footprint and tackling fuel poverty.
ALEO Executive Regions status on name change ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO Executive Regions status on name change South East CAN became ALEO South East 24/2/16 EMCAN became ALEO East Midlands 3/3/16 West Midlands CAN became West Midlands ALEO 5/4/16 HECA East became ALEO East 13/4/16 London HECA became ALEO London 22/4/16 The other 5 regions are yet to hold their meetings
ALEO Training Day conference Wigan 2016 ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network ALEO Training Day conference Wigan 2016 To be held at the Pier Centre, Wigan on 15 July 2016 Homing In On Cold Homes An interactive training-day conference with a focus on the government’s policies on domestic energy efficiency, fuel poverty and health, as well as ECO, community energy and localism. This will be the first conference of the Association of Local Energy Officers (ALEO), since the change of our national identity from the Carbon Action Network (CAN). Attendance at the conference is FREE to employees of local authorities, housing associations / registered social landlords, the NHS and registered charities. The standard Conference rate is £69.00 + VAT N.B all conference rates include lunch and refreshments.
Leasehold Reform (Energy Efficiency) Bill – private members bill ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Leasehold Reform (Energy Efficiency) Bill – private members bill Leasehold Reform (energy efficiency) bill: energy efficient flats - to make energy improvements in blocks of flats easier - would apply to homes in England and Wales (not Scotland) The Association for the Conservation of Energy and others have asked us to support a call for a private member’s bill to address energy efficiency in leasehold properties. ALEO has registered its support.
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network DECC consultation DECC consultation on Warm Homes Discount Scheme 2016/17 - Consultation opened 8th April and closed on 6th May 2016 - set out what the WHD has achieved since its introduction in 2011 and proposals for changes to the scheme for 2016/17. It also sought views on future WHD eligibility beyond 2017. Status – DECC are currently analysing the feedback
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network OFGEM consultation ECO2 consultation on deemed scores OFGEM proposed approach to implementing a system of deemed scores for use in the ECO scheme from 1 April 2017, if introduced in legislation. Consultation is open from 27 May 2016 to close of play on 8 July 2016. OFGEM have provided a template to assist them to collate responses. Responses and queries should be directed to
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Independent review of Consumer Advice, Protection, Standards and Enforcement Dr Peter Bonfield appointed by DECC and DCLG to carry out review on standards of energy efficiency and renewable instalments and whether frameworks in place are robust and ensure a suitable standard to protect customers. Update:- review results were to be advised to government in March 2016. No update available on DECC website.
DECC – Central Heating Fund ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network DECC – Central Heating Fund DECC have indicated they may extend the deadline for installation of CH to 30/11/16 Reported progress remains slow Update on progress of 3 successful ALEO East Midlands LA’s? Lincolnshire County Council - £570,000 North East Derbyshire District Council - £637,625 Bolsover District Council- £117,800
NEA - New £26.2 million programme – ‘Redressing the Balance’ ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network NEA - New £26.2 million programme – ‘Redressing the Balance’ Any successful bids in East Midlands? Register your interest in receiving further information by emailing your contact details to:
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Forthcoming Events NEA East Midlands Fuel poverty Forum at Ellipse Energy Leicester on 23rd June ALEO one day conference at Wigan on 15th July
EU referendum 23rd June: what effects on Energy? ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network EU referendum 23rd June: what effects on Energy? Good & Bad EU policy can override national policy Good - EU directive on buildings performance - EU funding - European Regional Development Fund etc - Environmental legislation - Climate Change Policy -Opportunities to share best practice with other EU organisations/LAs - More committed to environment e.g. European Covenant of Mayors and 20 20 20 targets - EU consumer laws – includes compensation for flight delays Bad - Restrictive procurement rules - Additional layers of bureaucracy - Easy to lose the national perspective in the wider picture -Fines and penalties for UK for non compliance of EU legislation -Not a level playing field – some EU countries not playing by the rules
Sponsor ? Venue? Speakers? ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Next ALEO East Midlands October 2016 Sponsor ? Venue? Speakers?
ALEO East Midlands the new identity of East Midlands Carbon Action Network Thank you Contact Details:- Karen Lond – Chair ALEO East Midlands Energy & Climate Change Officer 01427 676618 West Lindsey District Council, Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard Gainsborough, DN21 2NA