Contact: TUC - Projekt InProTUC Ms. Antje Pfeifer Email: Telefon: +49 371/ 531-34444
Strategic meetings for professors With the aim to foster the internationalisation of Technische Universität Chemnitz strategic meetings of professors abroad are funded under InProTUC. Professors can visit existing and potential partner institutions abroad - to initiate cross-border research projects - to exchange programmes or to develop common curricula Deadline: 15th July 2015 valid time for the trip: 01.08. – 31.12.2015 max. 8 days Only one Prof. per faculty (if more applicants from the faculty, the Dean will make the decision) document needed: the application form and letter from the guest institute (Submit one pdf-file electronically)
For PhD students – outgoing / incoming Short visit or research stay to or from outside of Germany - for PhD student in TUC (outgoing) or from foreign Institute (incoming) - short visit: max. 5 day; - research stay: max. 3 months - deadline: 31.09.2015 - valid time for the trip: 15.10.2015 – 29.02.2016 - documents needed: to be updated Details to be updated:
Courses for PhD students Slide writing and Story lining Designing Effective Academic Posters Wissenschaftliches Publizieren für Promovierende Mit Stimme überzeugen Promotionsveröffentlichung an der TU Chemnitz Drittmittel erfolgreich einwerben Schreibdenken für Promovierende - Kreativ und mit System wissenschaftlich Schreiben Good Scientific Practice Developing & Delivering conference presentations in English Further Details: