Microprobe activities in Lund An overview
Overview University of Lund/ LTH Physics – applied Nuclear Physics Micro beam, PIXE and singe cell facility Additional /potential resources The irradiation facility, Status, plans and future. Human resources, PhD program
Lund University (LU) (http://www. lu Lund University (LU) (http://www.lu.se ) is a research intensive and comprehensive university with eight faculties, about 41000 students, (City of Lund 100 000) 6500 employees, and 3000 PhD students (460 PhD exams/year) The turnover is about 5000 million SEK
The Physics Department ( http://fysik.lu.se/ ) 300 researchers and employees: Experimental High Energy Physics Nuclear Physics, Synchrotron Radiation Physics, Atomic Physics and Solid State Physics
The Nuclear Microprobe group (http://micro. pixe. lth The Nuclear Microprobe group (http://micro.pixe.lth.se/) is a main research group within the Division of Nuclear Physics (http://nuclearphysics.pixe.lth.se/) and has a long and world class tradition in the field of Ion beam analysis using MeV ions for quantitative multi-element characterisation of microscopic structures, e.g. PIXE. A second field of interest is the controlled use of single MeV ions to specifically create localised damage for special purposes; localised low dose irradiation of single living cells and direct write µm-scale proton lithography.
The irradiation facility is based on a single-ended 3 MeV electrostatic accelerator, high quality focusing lenses and similar equipment. A facility for studying extreme low-dose irradiation of living cells is under development at the laboratory. It is based on the technique to extract single MeV ions from the accelerator system, allowing studies on a cellular level of phenomena like mutagenic effects, bystander effect, adaptive response. The group has a close cooperation with the Department of Radiation Physics in Lund regarding cell biology, and is also a part of the Lund University network Alliance for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering with competence in mathematical modelling and advanced image analysis.
The sub-micron line Several years ago funding was given to construct the sub-micron beam line. The Single cell irradiation activity started with the CELLION project. Instrumentation was decided to be integrated in the coming sub-micron beam line that was already under construction: split quadrupole lens configuration, a new flexible irradiation chamber, new high vacuum beam lines, etc.
The Lund sub-micron beamline (not to scale) Irradiation chamber Beamviewer+ FC HV-deflector ”Electrostatic chopper” Cross-over Aperture 2 QP-lens 1 Aperture 1 QP-lens 2
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. High vacuum pump
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. High vacuum pump
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. High vacuum pump
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. X_Y_Z Obj.& det. High vacuum pump Backplane
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. X_Y_Z Micro-scope and TV Obj.& det. Sample holder High vacuum pump Backplane
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. X_Y_Z Micro-scope and TV High vacuum pump
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. X_Y_Z Micro-scope and TV Beam Scanning coils High vacuum pump
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. X_Y_Z Micro-scope and TV High vacuum pump
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. X_Y_Z Micro-scope and TV High vacuum pump
The irradiation chamber is built around a framework with flexible sides. X_Y_Z Micro-scope and TV High vacuum pump
Single cell irradiation project Existing facilities CELLION Funding for equipment (30 k€,Crafoord) For the project, 80% goes into instrumentation development -including cell design, 20 % into biological programme. Focused, horizontal beam 200 nm Si3N4 exit window Particle detection after the cells (PIN diode) Investigating the possibilities to use thín DE detectors as pre-cell detector
Swedish PhD studies/ CELLION E.S.R. Courses (50 credits = 75 CTS) Research training Publications ---------- = 4 years (+ 20% teaching) = 5 years Research training Publications ----------------- = 3 years ---------------- + 1 year paid by Lund University => PhD
Web based protocol for PhD studies Formalities (supervisor, subject, resources,..) Year by year plan Courses Conferences Research training Publications
Micro beam group Natalia Arteaga (CELLION), PhD Vaida Auzelyte (proton litography), PhD Mikael Elfman (res. Eng.) Per Kristianssson (prof) Klas Malmqvist (prof) Charlotta Nilsson, (master thesis done, CELLION,PhD in Leipzig) Christer Nilsson (res. techn) Jan Pallon ( CELLION) (Ass. Prof.) Marie Wegdén (BNCT, H_H scattering, tomography), PhD Fredrik Andersson (master thesis done) Bordeaux Anna Mölder, master thesis