SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer INTRODUCTION The dry berries are worthy products since it contains all the vitamins spectrum, for that reason, drying process for the food is producing valuable output. Drying process for the food is not interested in vitamins amount only, it’s about the maintenance level for minor, and macro substances (Ceylan, 2007). Drying process is removing all the interior water of the fruit and has several advantages like producing low weight product, not expensive from packing side, long life storing, and no need for cooling application during storing or transportation (Chen X. D., 2007). berry is a small, pulpy and often edible fruit. Berries are usually juicy, rounded, brightly colored, sweet or sour, and do not have a stone or pit, although many pips or seeds may be present.[1] Common examples are strawberries,raspberries, blueberries; and red- and blackcurrants.[2] In Britain, soft fruit is a horticultural term for such fruits
SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer OBJECTIVE There are different kind of berries, such as strawberry, black currant, raspberry, and cranberry. The objective of this project is simulating the drying process for berry fruits by using vacuum dryer.
SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer LITERATURE REVIEW Several industries had reported that using vacuum dryer in food manufacturing is applicable but its high cost (Giri, 2007; Clary, 2007). The hardest step in drying process is maintaining the dryer power, as well as the temperature to gain product with the required properties (Lombra, 2010). Some researchers had used integrated hot-air and vacuum dryer together, but they figured out it’s the same results as well as using vacuum dryer (Beaudry, 2004).
Vacuum dryer design structure SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer CHOSEN EQUIPMENT This drying equipment is consisting from 70 L volume of a steel cylindrical chamber. The inside pressure is 2 mbar, which is provided by the vacuum pump. Vacuum dryer design structure
ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES Vacuum drying technology is Applied in many kind of manufacturing process, like cream, yoghourt, fruit milk, and curd cakes production Known as field inhomogeneity. This problem is occurring as some regions in the dryer are overheated, so that it is producing hotpot (Vadivambal, 2007). Considered as the most applicable way Allowing to be operated with less expensive conditions, like reducing the input power.
Methodology SAJJAD K. A. Vacuum Dryer COMSOL simulation Methodology Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer Methodology COMSOL simulation Methodology Physics Study Parameters Equipment Drawing Heat source Meshing Heat Transfer Time dependent Following the Designing structure as had shown in before Heat flux Extremely fine Solids Range (0,1,70) hour
Parameters Variable Definition Code Amount Cake depth H0 25[cm] SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer Parameters Variable Definition Code Amount Cake depth H0 25[cm] Cake radius R0 35[cm] Initial temperature T0 25[degC] Jacket temperature Th 120[degC] Initial moisture content wL0 0.15
SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer Results This is the final stage after drying the berry for 70 hours of duration. The temperature distribution had showed great spreading through the berry cake as shown in the figure below.
SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer Conclusion The results were satisfying the industry demand but it’s still following the material kind and the dryer power and …etc. In conclusion, drying process is not complicated but it needs several different simulations to get the optimistic temperature for avoiding any waste of energy and time.
Recommendations for future studies SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer Recommendations for future studies changing in the cake dimensions with the temperature, in order to get the highest process performance. For that, this simulation process was part from the optimization process but as we know, optimization is not stopping at any step.
SAJJAD K. A. Pitch Presentation Vacuum Dryer Thank You