The NOMADS Philosophy Advancing Collaborations Multiple paths to format independent data access: The next step in NOMADS is the availability of access by OGC standards for Web Mapping and Web Coverage Services. The NASA funded project includes NASA, NOMADS, Unidata, OPeNDAP and GMU for the development of these services using an OPeDNAP “gateway” and Unidata’s THREDDS Data Server (TDS) NCDC is funded FY06 to develop a pilot grid activity (earmarked money). NCDC’s Bruce Barkstrom (a former NASA Langley employee) is now developing a SOW. NOMADS will continue to explore a CEOS Gird activity as times permits and also work to fuse the efforts. Glenn Rutledge is POC for CEOS-Grid. NOMADS is pleased to be a benefactor of this s/w development activity.