Web Page Elements Writing For the Web The Internet Writer’s Handbook 2/e
Contents HEAD tags META and keyword information Title Header and Footer information
<HEAD> BLOCK Author’s name E-mail address Background color Comments Content description Date modified Date of creation Document title E-mail address Filename META information Purpose of page Software used Style sheet link
Author Person who created document. Helpful to those who find your page using a search engine.
META Information <META> tags. Appear after the title. Contain description and keywords that describe your site. Help search engines find your site.
META Tags: Example
Keywords Words or phrases that describe your Web page. Attract Web spiders that search Web pages and create indexes based on keywords used on the pages.
Keywords: Tips Focus on two or three keywords that describe your site. Put those words In your title In META tags Early on page Think of typical phrases people would use to search. Ask yourself, “What's this page about?” Be specific.
Title Text written between the <HEAD> tags. Displays at the top of the browser's window.
Title: Importance Saved in bookmarks/hotlists. Indexed by search engines. Will most likely be used as links from other pages to your site Contains information about the document.
Title: Importance If your page doesn't have a title, the browser will display "Untitled," "No Title, " or the URL.
Examples: No Title
Example Vague title
A Title Should Be short (to avoid wrapping) (<64 char.). Use words that have a single meaning. Be descriptive. Begin with a keyword. Convey the correct tone. Emphasize benefits. Be relevant out of context. Make sense in a list of bookmarks and be easy to find.
Example: Bookmarks
Sample Poor Titles (untitled) Home About us Our products !!!Awesome site!!! Save $$$s! Free samples!!! documents documents
Components at Top of Page Banner Identifier of who is responsible for site Navigation Introduction
Banner Contains text and logo Establishes identity
Footer Date of last revision (date stamp) Copyright information and restrictions Disclaimer Web site owner's name URL of page for users who print it out Navigation E-mail link
Code For E-Mail Link <A HREF=“MAILTO:person@internet.mail.address”> send e-mail </A>
Date Stamp Lets readers know when you last updated the information. Usually appears as the sentence "Last modified. . . ."
Copyright Include a copyright © or trademark™ symbol on your Web page to protect your work.
URL Put the URL on the document (e.g. after <ADDRESS> tag) for users who print out the page.