Non-communicable Diseases


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Presentation transcript:

Non-communicable Diseases The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being Non-communicable Diseases Rafael G. Oganov, Chair NCD EG 25th of August, 2016. Moscow, Russian Federation

Russian Federation (Lead Partner); Sweden; EuroWHO (Co-Lead Partner) The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG is consisted of representatives of 7 Partner Countries and 1 Partner Organization: Finland; Latvia; Lithuania; Norway; Poland; Russian Federation (Lead Partner); Sweden; EuroWHO (Co-Lead Partner)

The present NCD EG TORs is approved by the CSR on 24 July 2016: the Main representative of the country to the NCD Expert Group finalized and declared the official country position”. The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The present NCD EG TORs is approved by the CSR on 24 July 2016: New reduction of TORs was discussed with EG members on-line and during the first EG meeting held in April, 2016. New Secretariat is consisted from: Chair EG – Rafael G. Oganov Vice-Chair – Galina Ya. Maslennikova ITA – Oksana V. Stefanyuk

The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016 (approved by the CSR on 27 July 2016) follows the goal: “To reduce premature mortality from NCD through strengthening prevention of economic losses from avoidable causes and contributing to the reduction in prevalence of behavioral risk factors of the NCDs”

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016 follows five objectives: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016 follows five objectives: Better implementation of Health-in-all Policies at all levels; Strengthened stakeholder involvement in preventing life style related risk factors, including overweight and obesity among school age children; Better comprehensive national health system response to reduce NCDs’ burden; Collaborations with other NDPHS EGs: obtaining mutual interests, data on financial and personnel resources for operational activities; Streamlining the adjustment of the NCD EG Action Plan for 2017- 2021.

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: Better implementation of Health-in-all Policies at all levels Three projects are presented within this objective: a) Project “Measure Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) in the Country Partners” - to define bases for evidence-based interventions to promote health and reduce avoidable premature mortality from NCDs common for all and specific for individual Country Partner. Results will be introduced and discussed during the PAC side-event held on 28th of October, in Poland; b) Project in the process “Healthification” (initially was proposed by the Healthy Cities Association, while Finnish EG agreed to promote the Project in the future): Country Partners interest and their participation, searching opportunities for funding are discussing…

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: Better implementation of Health-in-all Policies at all levels c) Project Idea in the process “To create a platform for the health literacy promotion among the people with various responsibilities for public health” Project Idea has been prepared by the NCD EG of the Russian Federation. Proposing NDPHS Partner country/organization: the matter is discussed with Swedish colleagues from the University of Gothenburg. Goteborg.

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: Strengthened stakeholder involvement in preventing life style related risk factors, including overweight and obesity among school age children. Working in two directions: identify the best structures, agencies, funds for interagency, cross- sectoral cooperation in preventing life style related risk factors, The Project Idea “UP! Be healthier: eat better, move more! – Best practices for empowering school-age children to make healthy decision on physical activity and diet!”: country Partner responsible for the Project, country Partners participating in the Project, and funding opportunities to support the Project are discussing.

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: Better comprehensive national health system response to reduce NCDs’ burden. During NCD EG meeting, best structures, agencies, funds within and outside of the health care systems for interagency, cross-sectoral cooperation are actively discussed and identified.

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: Better comprehensive national health system response to reduce NCDs’ burden. Two projects are proposed within this objective: Elaboration of the Project Idea “Assessment of NCD and NCD RF screening and follow-up programs in NDPHS Country Partners for selection of the best practices” proposed by the NCD EG of the Russian Federation. Elaboration of the Project Idea “Development and сountry adaptation of the Model “Risk assessment of the development and premature death from NCDs in a population during the 10- year-period” proposed by the NCD EG of the Russian Federation.

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: Collaborations with other NDPHS EGs: obtaining mutual interests, data on financial and personnel resources for operational activities; Mutual interested areas for effective preventive measures to reduce NCDs and NCD RFs with other EGs are discussing. Joint meeting with Alcohol and Substance Abuse (ASA) EG in 2017 is planning.

The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being The NCD EG Work Plan for 2016: Streamlining the adjustment of the NCD EG Action Plan for 2017- 2021. At the end of November 2016, in Moscow, the second NCD EG meeting is scheduled and Action Plan for 2017 and further years will be discussed and send for CSR approval.

THANK YOU The Progress in the Implementation of the NDPHS Action Plan and Further Steps Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being THANK YOU