Interrupts and exceptions
Interrupts and exceptions Exceptions: Result from unexpected situations (from within the CPU) Interrupts: Result from external events, e.g. keyboard. Similar effect. Need to: Save current CPU state Execute some appropriate set of instructions Resume normal execution (sometimes)
Interrupt and exception Type of event MIPS terminology From Where ? Interrupt External I/O device request ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invoke Operation system Internal Exception From user program ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arithmetic Overflow Internal Exception Using an undefined Instruction Internal Exception -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware malfunctions Either Exception or interrupt חובר בספטמבר 2001
Handling exceptions Address 40000040: Fixed location of exception Handling procedure
Handling exceptions
Exception Handling procedure Save on the stack all register values and internal CPU state (taken from the most recent pipeline register) Lookup the value written in the cause register Call the appropriate exception handling subroutine. When subroutine returns: Upload back all the registers and inernal CPU state Return to execute interrupted program
Faults Instruction would be illegal to execute Examples: Writing to a memory segment marked ‘read-only’ Reading from an unavailable memory segment (on disk) Executing a ‘privileged’ instruction Detected before incrementing the PC The causes of ‘faults’ can often be ‘fixed’ If a ‘problem’ can be remedied, then the CPU can just resume its execution-cycle
Error Exceptions Most error exceptions — divide by zero, invalid operation, illegal memory reference, etc. — translate directly into CPU signals Exceptions are handled by the operating system. Usually the job is fairly simple: send the appropriate signal to the current process force_sig(sig_number, current); That will probably kill the process, but that’s not the concern of the exception handler One important exception: page fault An exception can (infrequently) happen in the kernel die(); // kernel oops
Traps A CPU might have been programmed to automatically switch control to a ‘debugger’ program after it has executed a specific instruction That type of situation is known as a ‘trap’ It is activated after incrementing the PC
Interrupts Motivation: Utility of a general-purpose computer depends on its ability to interact with I/O devices attached to it (e.g., keyboard, display, disk-drives, network, etc.) Devices require a prompt response from the CPU when various events occur, even when the CPU is busy running a program Need a mechanism for a device to “gain CPU’s attention” Interrupts provide a way doing this
Simplified Architecture Diagram Central Processing Unit Main Memory system bus I/O device I/O device I/O device I/O device
Programmable Interval-Timer Interrupt Hardware IRQs Slave PIC (8259) Master PIC (8259) x86 CPU Ethernet INTR SCSI Disk Real-Time Clock Keyboard Controller Programmable Interval-Timer I/O devices have (unique or shared) Interrupt Request Lines (IRQs) IRQs are mapped by special hardware to interrupt vectors, and passed to the CPU This hardware is called a Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)
The `Interrupt Controller’ Responsible for telling the CPU when a specific external device wishes to ‘interrupt’ Needs to tell the CPU which one among several devices is the one needing service PIC translates IRQ to vector Raises interrupt to CPU Vector available in register Waits for ack from CPU Interrupts can have varying priorities PIC also needs to prioritize multiple requests Possible to “mask” (disable) interrupts at PIC or CPU
CPU’s ‘fetch-execute’ cycle User Program Fetch instruction at PC ld add st mul sub bne jmp … PC Decode the fetched instruction Save context Get INTR ID Execute the decoded instruction Lookup ISR Advance PC to next instruction Execute ISR Interrupt? yes IRET no
Handling interrupts Similar to exception handling, except: Interrupt information are held in two registers: Interrupt Cause and Interrupt Status Interrupts have priorities During execution of handling code for interrupt of level L, only interrupts of level > L can create new interrupt
Putting It All Together Memory Bus IRQs PIC CPU idtr IDT INTR cause N handler Mask points 255