By: Kelly Shelton
What is Plagiarism? Taking credit for the work of others Not citing sources used Copying word for word (with few variations) And more… Discuss definitions given and any more examples that teachers may think of.
A Quick Guide to Plagiarism Did you learn anything new, or was there something you had forgotten about? Did you realize there were several different types of plagiarism? What do we see most frequently? How can you use this video with your students? What do you think students will learn from this video? Watch video (click blue link at top). Use questions to discuss the video.
Allow educators to read as you discuss what educators expect of students. Ask for their input.
How to Detect Plagiarism Be aware of different types. Educate students on what plagiarism is. Show students how to steer clear of plagiarizing. Set consequences. Use computer programs to detect plagiarism. (eHow) Go over different ways to help detect plagiarism. Inform teachers of the available resources (on bottom right and others on Internet) Plagiarism Checkers
Steps for Students Have an understanding of citations. Cite sources as you are taking notes. Correctly document sources in paper/project. Use citation websites for ease. (UNC) Other suggestions? Discuss different ways as a group how to help students with putting an end to plagiarism.
What Doesn’t Need Cited Your own: Thoughts Experiences Data Artwork Common knowledge (Purdue OWL) Give overview of slide. Answer any questions they may have. Explain any confusing aspects.
Plagiarism Game Lycoming College Give educators a chance to test their knowledge. Play the game by clicking on the picture.
ACCUSED of Plagiarizing Avril Lavinge James Cameron Lady Gaga JK Rowling Stress accused, not necessarily charged with plagiarism. See if teachers know of anyone else. Michael Bolton Oprah Winfrey Mariah Carey
More on Famous People Watch the CBS video by clicking on the link. Discussion to follow on next slide.
Celebrities ACCUSED Were you aware of the accusations made against these people? What other celebrities do you know of that could have made the cut? What type of reaction do you think students will have to this? Are there any activities or research projects students could do to learn more about the repercussions of these celebrities? Discuss the questions with the teachers.
“Bottom line, document any words, ideas, or other productions that originate somewhere outside of you.” (Purdue OWL)
Evaluation List possible ways to detect plagiarism. Give an example of when someone must use proper citations. Name a way to help students avoid plagiarizing. Were any of questions 1-3 difficult to answer? Was this inservice useful? How will you use this or segments of it in the classroom? Ask teachers to answer the questions. Depending on time, answer may be given orally or on pen and paper.
Bibliography given in handout. Resources used in this presentation can be found on the handout.