Your Poster Title Here (Use Large Font between72 and 96Pt) Your name here, second name is Dr. [with whom you did the research] Bioenvironmental Sciences, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Texas A&M University (Template Revised Summer 2017) Poster is meant to be flexible with defined/standardized sections. Please keep the size 36X36. Use pictures or figures as much as possible to convey your message. Any text ought to be large enough for people to ready when standing 2 to 3 feet away. Feel free to change the background colors or add color to enhance visual appeal. The idea is to simply use the template to organize your presentation. Each section can be whatever length you find appropriate to fully describe your experience. Use pictures and figures as appropriate throughout the poster. Conveying information with concise text in posters makes for a better experience for you, the presenter, and your audience, when the poster is presented in a public setting. It is excellent to include pictures (with descriptive captions) that show you doing aspects of your role in the research experience. The section layout shown in this template is flexible. Move and resize each as is necessary for you to convey your project. Use color, graphics and layout and most importantly your judgment to make the poster attractive as well as informative. It is not suggested you move the order of the section headings though. Additional detailed instructions about effective research posters are available from the Texas A&M writing center: Abstract (section titles should be 40-48 pt) Connections to Discipline Working as a professional means understanding the connections between various fields of study that relate to your work. Using field appropriate language: describe the connections between the various fields of study you were exposed to during your research. draw conclusions by combining examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective. Example 1: What was the importance of understanding both biology and plant pathology for your research? Can you draw conclusions about how chemistry or biology influence plant responses? What practical connection did you realize existed between your coursework and statistical analysis? Example 2: How does measuring the traits of organisms relate to genetics, evolution, and ecology? Are these traits useful for biotechnology? See Critical Thinking, Technical Competency, and Integrative Learning areas of rubric. Insert your abstract here. An abstract is a brief summary of your project and findings. Total word count should be no more 250-300 words. Text here and throughout the poster should be 20-30 pt. Keep in mind that readers will be viewing this poster from a distance. Research Objectives and Outcomes Relationship to Career Goals How has this experience influenced your future self and your career goals? Describe whether or not you have future professional plans that build on your experiences so far? List and describe the ways your perspective changed as a result of your education or experiences? Use pictures and figures as appropriate. See Critical Thinking and Integrative Learning area of the rubric. Concisely list your personally developed research objectives Concisely summarize the experience, highlighting accomplishments, lessons learned or important projects which helped you grow professionally. Use pictures and figures as appropriate. Use bullets, not paragraphs. References Insert full citation for journal articles or other resource you utilized in assembling this poster. Be sure to include in-text citations where appropriate Connections to Academic Knowledge Describe the connections between your research and your academic knowledge. How has your research experience helped you to gain a deepened understanding of Bioenvironmental Sciences or other fields of study? List and describe the ways your research has broadened your point of view When appropriate, use bullets, not paragraphs. See Critical Thinking and Integrative Learning area of rubric. Acknowledgements This is where you thank anyone who helped you conduct your research who is not listed as an author at the top of the poster. This might be someone who provided technical help or who advised or mentored you. It is also important to thank the source of your funding. Thanking people of a personal nature (e.g. your spouse or parents is not appropriate on a poster). { Please be sure to include the following sentence verbatim at the end of your acknowledgements} Sponsors for high impact experiences for BESC and the BESC poster symposium include the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.