G.R.O.W. Goal Reality Options and Obstacles Way Forward What do you want to achieve? Why ? Reality What is the current situation in relation to your goal? Options and Obstacles What are the different things you could do to achieve your goals. What are the pros and cons of these options? What are potential obstacles you might encounter? How can you overcome them? How confident are you of success? Way Forward Choose from the options and make a plan. What will you do, when and who with? How will you know when you have succeeded? Goal End point. Where client wants to be. Clearly defined. Long- and short-term. e.g. pass FCE or start using present perfect simple and continuous correctly. Reality How far the client is from their goal. Situation now. e.g. 48%, confused and making lots of mistakes. Obstacles Things stopping them getting to their goal. If there were no obstacles, you’d be at your goal. Options Choices about dealing with the obstacles. Various possibilities Way Forward Options converted into action steps. A plan of action.
Cambridge English Teaching Framework
Do the Diploma or a teacher development course. Funding available 10 ideas for developing this year. 1 Request a Mentor, a senior teacher from the staffroom to support you through observation, lesson planning support and modeling for 3 hours. 2 Talk to a member of the team about opportunities to develop your teaching and career in ELT. 3 Share materials and participate in professional discussions in our staffroom or OH connect. 4 Attend or even better present at workshops and professional conferences. Ask about sponsorship if there are costs involved and support if you need it to prepare your workshop. 5 Meet regularly in small groups with a common interest. For example, Spanish Teachers, Young Learner Teachers, Exam class teachers. 6 Do the Diploma or a teacher development course. Funding available 7 Team teach. Share a classroom with another teacher. Various options include, planning and teaching the lesson together, being a special guest interviewed by students, observing your colleague teach… 8 Find a coach. Buddy up with a colleague (or a friend) and help each other set goals and monitor and celebrate achievements. 9 Do some action research. A mini investigation project into something about your teaching that interests you which you report on to colleagues. 10 Form a book club to read and discuss ELT classics. Your Suggestion