Louise Hartland Lead for Clinical Training Development of (Nurse) Non Medical Prescriber within Hampshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Louise Hartland Lead for Clinical Training
NMP Development Pathway STEP 1 Completion of Essential Training in Medicines Management Days A & B STEP 2 HPFT Psychopharmacology & Advanced Medicines Management STEP 3 Successful completion of NON Medical Prescribing Trust Application Form & University of Southampton Application Form STEP 4 Completion of a two-module programme leading to the professional recorded qualification of Independent and Supplementary Nurse Prescriber (both parts will normally be completed within 12 months)
NMP Development Pathway STEP 5 University notifies NMC of successful completion of both modules. NMC contacts individuals to confirm and requests payment for prescribing status to be recorded on NMC register. Job description updated STEP 6 In house Trust approval on receipt of confirmation of NMC registration. Approval of Clinical Management Plans by Medicines Management Committee
The Steps in Detail- Step 1 Essential Training in Medicines Management Days A & B; Consists of two separate days of face to face training. Designed to develop delegates knowledge of medicines used in mental health and physical health. Essential training for all nurses. Information provided on mental health medication is more detailed than that which is provided during basic training and it is updated to reflect latest local and national evidence and guidance.
The Steps in Detail- Step 2 In-house Psychopharmacology and Advanced Medicines Management course In-house level 3 (degree level) course. It is a pre-requisite for the university courses (Step 4). Aims to improve practitioners knowledge regarding the drug treatment of mental illness. Course examines the pharmacology of the different classes of drugs currently used and the aetiology of different psychiatric illnesses. In addition to self directed study, the participants produce and present case studies. Course runs twice a year.
The Steps in Detail- Step 4 Completion of a two-module programme leading to the professional recorded qualification of Independent and Supplementary Nurse Prescriber as follows; 1/ Applied Pharmacology and Medicines Management (NQCG3036) 10 taught days; 3 focused learning days plus exam (Degree level) September – December 2/ Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (NQCG3035) 6 taught days, 7 focused learning days plus exam (Degree level) Students will also be required to complete a total of 12 days practice learning facilitated by their Designated Medical Practitioner (Medical Assessor/Mentor). January – March
The Steps in Detail- Step 3 The two modules are funded from the Education & Training budget received from the SHA (Learning Beyond Registration Budget). Directorate Training Leads submit the number of module places required for a September commencement in December every year. Number of places are determined by service need. Applicants must identify the advantages associated with their development as a NMP.
The Steps in Detail – Step 3 All applications must gain approval for NMP development from; line manager Locality manager Chief pharmacist Associate Director of Nursing Medical Director Director of Nursing All applicants require a Designated Medical Practitioner to supervise and assess their clinical development throughout the university programme.
Committment All applicants who receive funding to undertake the two-module NMP programme at the University of Southampton will need to agree to; attend all of the required study days undertake and submit all academic and / or practical assessments pay back a proportion of the module fees if they fail to comply with these conditions. For such a charge to be deducted from their salary within two months of the final assessment board ratifying the result.
Timeline Timeline for Nominations for two-module programme leading to the professional recorded qualification of Independent and Supplementary Nurse Prescriber. March – May 2010-2011 – Local briefings for services / teams interested in NMP development. End May 2010 – closing date for applications for two-module NMP programme commencing September 2010. June 2010 – Internal interviews to select applicants who will be supported to undertake two-module NMP programme. End June 2010 – successful applicants notified. Applications authorised and sent to university.