Deployment & study of Multi-hop wireless testbed מציגים: פיליפ יעקובובסקי אוהד בניטה מנחה: ד"ר עומר גורביץ'
Presentation of the deployed topology’s characteristics Objectives Presentation of the deployed topology’s characteristics 2 Suggested solutions for WMN 4 Current issues/problems in WMN 3 Review of Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) 1
Wireless Mesh Networks The network is built out of two logical parts: Access Tier Backhaul Tier
WMN - Access Tier Composed of Subscriber Stations (SS) i.e. end stations (mobile and stationary clients) using the network services
WMN - Backhaul Tier Base Stations (BS) are interconnected between them in a chain topology, constructing the Backhaul Tier. One or more Base stations constitutes the gateway (GW) to the Internet The traffic from the SSs is transmitted to/from the Backhaul Tier. The antennas used are Omni-directional
Wireless Mesh Network
Hardware Specifications Motherboard Intel Desktop Board D945GCLF with integrated Intel Atom Processor 802.11 Card TP-Link TL-WN551G (Atheros AR2413 Chipset) Hard Drive 8GB USB Drive Power Supply Standard mini-ATX power supply
Operating System: Ubuntu Linux 8.10 Network Topology 4.95Mbs 11.4Mbs 3.15Mbs Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4 5Mbs 12.1Mbs 3.95Mbs Operating System: Ubuntu Linux 8.10
Starvation in WMN Starvation occurs for the following reasons: Not all the stations are in radio range (Node1 is hidden from Node3 and Node4, Node2 is hidden from Node4) RTS/CTS mechanism makes things worse by adding unnecessary overhead. Interference from outside network BSs, transmitting over the same channel No proper rate limiting in nodes that are closer to the gateway
Baseline Throughput Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4
One vs. Two TCP streams Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4
One vs. Multiple TCP streams – ctd. Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4
One vs. Two TCP streams throughput (after changing the GW) Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4
Three TCP Streams Throughput Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4
Suggested Solutions Solutions for starvation and unfairness: Increase contention window for nodes closer to the GW, avoiding long-term starvation for multi-hop nodes Use of multi-channel transmission Rate decrease, fair throughput division mechanism
Switched Channels for better performance Multiple Channels Switched Channels for better performance Channels 3 and 8 were used Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4
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