Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017 Please take out Invisible Man, some paper, and tragic hero’s notes & handout (Hamlet). Entrance Music
Learning Target: Today, I will… examine how the narrative structure of a novel influences my interpretation/understanding of the meaning of the work as a whole by determining the specific narrative structure of Invisible Man and how it enables the meaning to be conveyed in each chapter.
Wednesday, January 4th, 2017 Please grab a computer and take out a pencil.
Learning Target: Today, I will… Examine how the narrative structure of a novel influences my interpretation/understanding of the meaning of the work as a whole by determining the specific narrative structure of Invisible Man and how it enables the meaning to be conveyed in each chapter. Demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of a provided AP Literature prose passage by choosing the most correct answer for the provided multiple choice questions.
AP Multiple Choice You will be provided 10 minutes to complete this formative assessment. If you finish before time is completed, please begin reading chapters 7 & 8 of IM until everyone is done.
Narrative Structure Review How does a narrative structure enable me to understand the meaning of the work as a whole?
Themes in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man Race and Racism Identity and Invisibility Power and Self – interest Dreams and the Unconscious Ambition and Disillusionment
Narrative Structure & the Prologue How does the narrative structure enable me to understand the meaning in this section of the novel?
Structure Analysis How does the narrative structure in this excerpt of Invisible Man enable me to understand the meaning of the work as a whole? In the subjective narration of his “home,” the reader learns how the narrator’s identity has been shaped. The narrator sees himself as an invisible resistance against the powers that be. By secretly taking power from Monopolated Light and Power, he is refusing to align with the expectations that society has put into place and rebelling with the aid of his invisibility in order to stifle the cycle of oppression he has felt that has been present throughout his entire life.
Thursday, January 5th, 2017 Please take out Invisible Man, Structure Analysis Handout, and a pen or pencil. We will begin immediately.
Learning Target: Today, I will… examine how the narrative structure of a novel influences my interpretation/understanding of the meaning of the work as a whole by determining the specific narrative structure of Invisible Man and how it enables the meaning to be conveyed in each chapter.
Task You will determine how the narrative structure illuminates or enables you to understand the meaning of the work in the section (chapter) you have been assigned. You will collaborate and construct an analysis with your group of how the narrative structure illuminates or enables you to understand the meaning that you will present to the class. This is due Friday, January 6th. You will be provided some class time to work on this, but you should expect to work on some of this at home as well.
Group Roles Facilitator: This student is in charge of organizing the final product. Ensures that the product meets the standards set out by me, plus any extras stipulated by the group. These standards generally include punctuality and completeness. Scribe: Takes notes summarizing team discussions and decisions, and keeps all necessary records (Google Docs works best in case of an absence). Curator (x 2): You are in charge of gathering all the evidence necessary to complete the task. Reporter: Serves as group spokesperson to the class or instructor, summarizing the group’s activities and/or conclusions. Wildcard: assumes role of any missing member and must complete whatever the facilitator has tasked you with. (Artist)
Tips on how to approach this: Review the chapter. For some of you, this may mean rereading the material. Discuss the chapter with one another specifically in terms of narrative structure and meaning (theme). Determine what were the pivotal events/moments of that chapter. Remember, you are not summarizing, you are analyzing. Therefore, a pivotal event/moment will enable you to explain the so what. If needed, do some research. Research is always a good thing, but give credit where credit is due. (Sparknotes) Then, get to work putting together a SMALL presentation explaining how the narrative structure illuminated or enabled “you” to understand the meaning of the work in the chapter you were assigned.
Pivotal Moments in the Prologue Narrative Structure Analysis of how structure relates to meaning Bumping into & fighting with a white man First person, Subjective As a result of a subjective retelling of the narrator bumping into and fighting with a white man, the reader is able to glean that the narrator’s metaphor of invisibility is related to his race as well as the racism he has been subjected to. This specific episode enabled the narrator to undergo a “crazy discovery” that he is not someone “visible” by society. Home is a hole, and the narrator is in hibernation In the subjective narration of his “home,” the reader discovers how the narrator’s identity has been shaped. The narrator sees himself as an invisible resistance against the powers that be. By secretly taking power from Monopolated Light and Power, he is refusing to align with the expectations that society has put into place and rebelling with the aid of his invisibility in order to stifle the cycle of oppression he has felt that has been present throughout his entire life. The vision after smoking marijuana As a result of the subjective retelling of his vision, the reader is able to understand that the narrator’s unconscious mind is grappling with the pain and struggle that generations of African Americans have endured as a result of their race. Louis Armstrong’s words of “Black and Blue” have taken on new meaning. They convey the magnitude of the conflict between the races as well as the injustices that still continue. He now knows that he will eventually have to act, and he is utilizing his hibernation as preparation for “a more overt action.”
An Additional Layer of Analysis
Tragic Hero Pattern Step 1 – A protagonist of high estate Step 2 – A tragic flaw in character Step 3 – Intrusion of time, sense or urgency Step 4 – Misreading/Rationalizations Step 5 – Murder, exile, alienation of enemies and allies Step 6 – Gradual isolation of Tragic Hero
Tragic Hero Pattern Step 7 – Mobilization of opposition Step 8 – Recognition of tragic flaw, too late Step 9 – Last courageous attempt to restore greatness. Step 10 – Audience recognizes potential for greatness. Step 11 – Death of tragic hero. Step 12 – Restoration of order.