Solve It Convert This Say What? Compare Us 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
Solve 2× 1,000 = a100 Q
Solve 2000 a100 A
Solve 234 × 100 = a200 Q
Solve 23400 a200 A
Solve 34 × 100 = a300 Q
Solve 3400 a300 A
Solve 7× 1,000 = a400 Q
Solve 7000 a400 A
Solve 18 × 1,000,000 = a500 Q
Solve 18,000,000 a500 A
Convert to standard form 2 × 105 = b100 Q
200,000 b100 A
Convert to standard form 5 × 107 = b200 Q
50,000,000 b200 A
Convert to standard form 1.1 × 107 = b300 Q
11,000,000 b300 A
Convert to standard form 2.999 × 108 = b400 Q
299,900,000 b400 A
Convert to standard form 3.743 × 105 = b500 Q
Solve the problem. 374,300 b500 A
What is the scientific notation for… 5600? c100 Q
What is the scientific notation for… 5.6 x 103 c100 A
What is the scientific notation for… 125,000? c200 Q
What is the scientific notation for… 1.25 x 105 c200 A
What is the scientific notation for… 231,000? c300 Q
What is the scientific notation for… 2.31 x 105 c300 A
What is the scientific notation for… 45,000,000? c400 Q
What is the scientific notation for… 4.5 x 107 c400 A
What is the scientific notation for… 14,600,000,000? c500 Q
1.46 x 1010 c500 A
What is the number in standard notation? 4.1 × 103 d100 Q
What is the number in standard notation? 4,100 d100 A
What is the number in standard notation? 3.2 × 106 d200 Q
What is the number in standard notation? 3,200,000 d200 A
What is the number in standard notation? 8.5 × 104 d300 Q
What is the number in standard notation? 85,000 d300 A
Compare the expression using > or <. 9.9 × 102____ 9.4 × 103 d400 Q
Compare the expression using > or <. 9.9 × 102__<__ 9.4 × 103 d400 A
Compare the expression using > or <. 4.6 × 103 ____ 7.4 × 102 d500 Q
Compare the expression using > or <. 4.6 × 103 ____ 7.4 × 102 d500 A
Compare the expression using > or <. 9.1 × 107 ____ 6.5 × 104 Final Q
Compare the expression using > or <. 9.1 × 107 ____ 6.5 × 104 Final A