P2 Exam Tips Feedback from the examiners The examiner says…
This line is much too thick and consists of two or more lines in some places. Some parts of one line do go through some points but other parts of other lines are too far away from the points. Most of the lines miss the top point completely.
helium beryllium-9 helium If you didn’t know that an alpha particle was the same as a helium nucleus, we still gave a mark for saying ‘daughter’ nucleus.
If you get a question where you need to use the answer to your first part in the second part, you can still get marks even if your first answer is wrong. SO DON’T LEAVE THE FIRST ONE BLANK.
Just to repeat that… Find equation on formulae sheet Write out equation Substitute values Complete calculation
Don’t just guess the equations, they are at the front of the exam paper.
Bring your calculator to the exam! Don’t panic if you haven’t brought your own, we have put them on the desks, just make sure you use it and ask for another one if it doesn’t work.
Use a ruler to complete bar charts.
Focus on what the question is asking rather than just putting down everything you know about a subject. Always show your working! Ensure you answer all parts of the question to maximise your marks. Do not be afraid to use the information you have been given as part of your answer. Always read the question correctly to ensure that you are answering the question that is being asked rather than one you would like to be asked. Be careful not to say two opposite statements in the same answer.
This is not enough detail for the mark. The question asks for the trend in data so use a sentence like; ‘As the _____________ increases, the ______________ increases/decreases.’
Don’t forget about background radiation Don’t forget about background radiation. None of the radiation from the source is getting through the paper, aluminium or lead. The 17 counts per minute are due to background radiation.
Velocity Distance These two graphs show completely different things happening. Remember to check what is written on the axes.
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P2 Foundation Paper Summary In order to improve performance candidates should: • become familiar with the information on the formulae sheet and use it in the examination • read the question carefully and underline the key words • name the forms of energy when describing energy transfer • practise drawing a neat, single line of best fit; particularly where this is a curve rather than a straight line • show substitution in equations for calculations instead of just giving the answer • make sure that they know the difference between key concepts like current, voltage and power and between key terms like atom and nucleus.
P2 Higher Paper Summary In order to improve their performance, candidates should: • make sure that they understand the meaning of terms like force, momentum, acceleration and velocity and that they use these words accurately and in the correct places • show their working at each stage of a calculation and continually practise calculations involving rearranging an equation • use the marks at the side of a question as a guide to the form and content of their answer.
2 x 30 = 60 joules Calculate how much work is done by the torch. Work Power Time
12 ÷ 0.047 = 255.3 Potential difference Current Resistance
For the benefit of Sadiq, who doesn’t believe me, this next page is taken straight from the examiners report for the P2 exam last year.
Remember, unless you have an obvious anomaly, you can’t decide to trust one point more than any other.
Just like you can use diagrams even when you are not asked to, you can also use calculations when you are not asked to.
Last minute reminders: When talking about static and earthing – protons can’t be transferred from one object to another, only electrons can. Kinetic energy and Gravitational energy are linked when an object jumps or falls. Gravitational field strength on Earth this is 10N/kg Work done is the same as energy transferred HIGHER ONLY - Work done to bring a vehicle to rest is equal to its initial kinetic energy, you can use this relationship to show that breaking distance depends on velocity squared (i.e. if you double your speed, your breaking distance more than doubles) Need to explain these verbally