Session 1 Make Time to learn about mental health Section Title Make Time 2016 Session 1 Make Time to learn about mental health
Make Time to learn about mental health
Mental health We all have mental health just as we all have physical health. Our mental health can vary over the course of our lives. Along with hundreds of schools nationwide, we are taking part in Make Time to help everyone feel comfortable to talk about mental health. We all have mental health just as we all have physical health.
Quiz Question 1 How many young people experience mental health problems in any one year? 1 in 10 1 in 100 1 in 1000
Quiz Question 2 Which of these is a common symptom of schizophrenia? Split personality Violent behaviour Hallucinations and delusions Many believe that people with schizophrenia are likely to commit violence – however, most people with schizophrenia do not commit violent crimes, and are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. Similarly, there is a common misconception that schizophrenia leads people to have split personalities, when this is not the case. In reality, schizophrenia’s most common symptoms are hallucinations, delusions and hearing voices.
Quiz Question 3 Which country’s Prime Minister was re-elected in 2001 after publicly taking time off for depression? Norway Poland Mexico Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik announced in 1998 that he was experiencing a depressive episode, and took three weeks of sick leave, before returning to office. Bondevik said he received thousands of supportive letters.
Quiz Question 4 Which of these is not an example of a mental health problem? Depression Anorexia Nervosa Diabetes Bipolar Disorder Anxiety Disorder
Quiz Question 5 Which of these UK Prime Ministers experienced depression? David Cameron Margaret Thatcher Winston Churchill
Quiz Question 6 Which of these statements in the most accurate? People with OCD just really like things clean and tidy Everyone is a ‘little bit OCD’ about something People with OCD experience intrusive obsessional thoughts often followed by repetitive compulsions Obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses - many people believe that OCD is a character trait that encourages cleanliness and order. In reality, it's a mental illness based on obsessions and compulsions that can have a serious impact on the people that experience it. Around 1% of the population will experience OCD.
More people are talking about mental health “I know just how isolating it can feel to experience severe anxiety. However, the overwhelming response I’ve received online, shows just how many young people confront it every day. I am passionate about the need for everyone to feel ok to speak out.. to ask for help.” Zoella Celebrities are showing us that it’s ok to talk about mental health Popular vlogger and You Tube star Zoella often speaks openly about her experiences of mental health problems, she’s recently become an ambassador for the charity Mind.
Which famous pop star said this? Zayn Malik “Unfortunately my anxiety that has haunted me the last few months... has got the better of me. I know those who suffer from anxiety will understand and I hope those who don’t can empathise with my situation.” Zayn Malik (formerly of One Direction) has publicly spoken about his anxiety which has affected his performance schedule recently
Which famous pop star said this? “I spent so many years struggling with depression and bipolar depression and I couldn’t figure out why... I was the star of my own TV show and I was on tour; I had this seemingly awesome life but I was still struggling. When I got the right diagnosis it was almost like a relief to me that I could pinpoint what was going on and work on the solution.” Demi Lovato Celebrities are speaking openly about mental health and challenging negative preconceptions Anyone can experience a mental health problem, but with the right support, it need not hold you back from achieving your dreams in life
Mental health We all have physical health just as we have mental health. Mental health problems are common. Recovery is possible. Seeking help is important. The next session will focus on how we can all take care of our mental health
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