Gross Motor Develoment
Fetal growth and development
The first trimester From conception through 12 weeks The first trimester is a highly sensitive period in the development of the baby. Harmful substances that are ingested can affect the normal growth and development of the fetus. Conception through the 10th week is referred to as the embryonic period. This is the critical period of time when all of the major organs and structures are forming.
From conception through 12 weeks 1) At 5th week: The embryo is : About one-half inch long Weighs less than an ounce. Its brain, heart, lungs, eyes, ears, arms, and legs are forming. 2)At 8th week: The fingers are distinct The beginnings of all essential external and internal structures are present. 3) At 10th week: the embryo is known as a fetus. The face has a human profile and all of the major organs have formed. It is now about 4 inches long and weighs about one ounce. The heartbeat can now be heard with a Doppler stethoscope and can also be easily seen on ultrasound examination. The kidneys have begun to secrete urine, which partly makes up the amniotic fluid around the baby. Teeth buds are present in the gums.
The second trimester From 13 weeks through 28 weeks. The second trimester is a period of rapid growth for the fetus. Sexual differentiation is beginning to show. By the 16th week: it is about 6 inches long weighs about 5 ounces. It moves about, swallows amniotic fluid, and has periods of sleep and wakefulness.
The final trimester From 29 weeks until delivery. The final trimester marks the period of final growth. During the last month of pregnancy: the baby can gain as much as half a pound a week. The average baby will weigh about 7 ½ pounds, The range at full term from 5 ½ pounds up to over 9 pounds! Fetal movement during this period of time is a good indicator of fetal well being.
Virginia Apgar‘s method of evaluating newborn infant Virginia Apgar‘s method of evaluating newborn infant is now in standard use to evaluate the newborn one minute after birth. It is useful to make serial Apgar score: the longer the score remaine low the worse the prognosis with regard to mortality or neurological sequel. Total score: 8 – 10 Good 3 - 7 Fair 0 – 2 Poor condition Score Heart rate Respiratory effort Reflex irritability Muscle tone Color 2 100 - 140 Normal cry Good Pink 1 100 Irregular and shallow Moderately depressed Fair Pale No heart beat observed Apnea for more than 60 sec. Absent Flaccid Cyanotic
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Stages of Motor Development in Infants and young children
Month One: Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Can lift chin slihtly Hands fisted/reflexive grasp Head lag in ventral suspension Flexion attitude in prone lying position
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Two Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Wobbly head while sitting Swipes toys with /hands Head Lag Head lag when pull to sit
Month Three Gross Motor Skill Fine Motor Skill Holds head steady in sitting Hands open Rolls back to side Grasps/holds an object Puts weight on arms while on tummy Hands play at midline
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Four Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Sits on propped arms Reaches with both arms/hands Rolls tummy to side Brings fingers/hands in mouth No head lag seen when pulled Squeeze grasp emerging to sit
Month Five Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Rolls tummy to back Reaches with good aim Wiggles few feet forward Puts objects/toys in mouth Pushes up with arms Picks up spoon or cup by handle while on belly Starts grabbing feet Sits propped on hands
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Six Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Sits briefly independently Reaches precisely and grasps objects Sits in a highchair Transfers toys from hand to hand Rolls over both ways Bangs a cup on a table
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Seven Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Sits unsupported~30 seconds Crosses midline when reaching Rocks on all fours Uses whole hand to rake in objects Pivots in a circle while on tummy Thumb to finger grasp emerging
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Eight Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Transitions tummy to sit Bangs cubes together Crawls forward Uses a three-fingered grasp Reaches while on tummy
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Nine Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Transitions sit to tummy Uses thumb to index grasp (crude) Pulls to stand while holding on Crude release of objects Creeps on all fours Drops toys and objects Stands while leaning on furniture Points index finger
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Ten Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Cruises along furniture Pokes with fingers Stands unsupported briefly Uses thumb to index finger grasp (precise) Transfers from crawl to sit Stacks objects
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Eleven Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Stands unsupported Releases a cube at will Walks with hands held Removes pegs from a pegboard
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Month Twelve Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills First independent step. Puts objects in a container Stands unsupported~12 seconds Releases an object precisely Assumes/maintains kneeling Stacks two one-inch cubes
Months Twelve-Fifteen Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Walks independently Throws objects Creeps/climbs stairs Places rings on a peg Tries to climb out of highchair Makes marks with crayons Squats to play Holds large crayon in fisted grasp Kneels Stoops and recovers Builds a 2 block tower
Months Fifteen-Eighteen Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Walks in circles/backwards Directional scribble using crayons Walks up stairs with help Throws a ball Balance reactions in standing Builds a 3-block tower Scribbles spontaneously Tries to kick balls Climbs on furniture Pulls toy while walking
Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Months Eighteen-Twenty-Four Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Runs Unwraps things Jumps in place/off a step Pedals a tricycle Builds a 6-block tower Kicks a stationary ball Holds crayon with thumb and fingers Walks up stairs independently Turns 2-3 pages at a time Throws a ball overhand Imitates vertical stroke with crayon Propels “ride-on” toys forward
Months Twenty-Four-Thirty-Six (2-3 years old) Gross Motor Skills Fine Motor Skills Hops on one foot Turns pages one at a time Walks up stairs alternating feet Builds a 9 block tower Walks down stairs alternating feet Unscrews lid of a jar Walks backward Imitates horizontal line, Balances on one foot briefly cross circle Throws overhand at a target Holds pencil in hand instead of fist Catches a rolled ball Makes snips with scissors Throws a small ball 2 feet Unbuttons Rides a tricycle using pedals