How are diseases spread? L/O: Explain how infectious diseases are spread. S/C: EBI: Evaluate how the spread of disease has reduced. Great: Describe how pathogens are spread Good: Define the term pathogen
Starter- Can you identify these?
Starter- Can you identify these? Fungi Virus Virus Bacteria Protoctist Some are harmless and/or useful Whilst others are harmful and cause illness/infectious diseases The microbes that cause disease are called PATHOGENS
What is a pathogen? Anything that causes a disease: Virus Bacteria Protozoa
Which type of pathogen is the cause of these diseases? Athletes' foot Influenza Measles Chicken pox Food poisoning Cholera Malaria Rubella TB AIDS
Which type of pathogen is the cause of these diseases? Influenza Athletes' foot Measles Chicken pox Food poisoning Cholera Malaria Rubella TB AIDS Virus Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Virus Virus Virus Bacteria Virus Bacteria
Make a list of all the ways that disease can spread Direct (Physical) contact Body fluids Mother to unborn baby Shared needles/syringes Air particles Food Water Vector (insects) Each method needs to be explained including subcategories e.g body fluids include blood as well as fluids secreted during sexual intercourse... Give yourself a mark out of 8
You are given these two sheets of paper plus a set of disease cards Tetanus You are given these two sheets of paper plus a set of disease cards Arrange each card according to the method that the disease is transmitted Leave the cards on top of the 2 sheets of paper- DON’T MOVE! AIDS Malaria Salmonella
Direct (Physical) contact Shared needles/syringes Different ways of spreading diseases Direct (Physical) contact Body fluids Athletes' foot Chicken pox Tetanus AIDS Mother to unborn baby Shared needles/syringes Rubella AIDS Tetanus AIDS
Air particles Food Water Vector (insects) Common cold TB Salmonella Water Vector (insects) Cholera Malaria
Fill in the table You will be given a blank table like this one: Distribute disease fact sheets to groups. Students use each one and then circulate amongst the class. Information sheets should be placed around the class and students work their way round and fill in a grid Write the 8 methods of disease transmission in the first column Use the disease fact sheets to fill the rest of the table in.
True or False There are two types of microbe, bacteria and viruses. False
True- virus are debated! True or False Microbes are living things. True- virus are debated!
False- not all are harmless. True or False Microbes are harmless. False- not all are harmless.
True or False Microbes are all about the same size and shape. False
True or False Some microbes are so small that they can only be seen using a powerful electron microscope. True
True- they cause infectious diseases when spread. True or False Pathogens are microbes that cause disease. True- they cause infectious diseases when spread.
True or False Bacteria multiply by dividing their cells in two. True – Virus’s need a host cell though- hence debated whether they are living or not.
False- many ways microbes are spread. True or False Microbes can’t move around by themselves. False- many ways microbes are spread.
False- not all microbes are harmful. True or False It is dangerous to have microbes on your hands. False- not all microbes are harmful.