NDP, World History, Mr. Shuler The Postwar World: Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, 1945-2000 Focus Question: What were the four major trends in world history affecting Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East? Vocabulary: decolonization, Partition, Nelson Mandela, apartheid, Deng Xiaoping, Asian Tigers, Augusto Pinochet, Iranian Revolution, Camp David Accords
The Big Points: The World 1945-2000 Almost all colonies gained independence East & Southeast Asian countries got much richer through trade The Cold War and economic inequality destabilized many Latin American countries The Middle East became a hotbed of conflict Next class we will fill in details with some specific people…
1. Decolonization: Almost all colonies gained independence First: India in 1947, most places in 1960s South Africa: due to white South Africans, apartheid does not fully end until 1994 (Nelson Mandela) Independence could be achieved… Peacefully (Gandhi in India) Through violent revolution (Vietnam) Or a mixture of the two (Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya or Nelson Mandela in South Africa)
Map of Decolonization
Three Problems After Independence Ethnic or religious internal divisions Leads to a very bloody partition of secular/Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan at independence (1947) Rwandan genocide (1994) Iraq today (Sunni vs. Shi’a vs. Kurd) Problems creating stable, fair democracies Jomo Kenyatta creates one-party state in Kenya Problems growing economically Often failed experiments with socialism Mostly lack capital to invest and fall into horrible debt
Partition of India & Pakistan: 15 million displaced, 1 million killed Disputed region of Kashmir
2. East & Southeast Asian countries got much richer through trade Japan rebuilds and trades with the U.S. after WW2 World’s 2nd largest economy for a while China first tries a Communist approach under Mao Zedong (“Great Leap Forward” and backyard steel furnaces) Then China gradually switches to an export-friendly government-backed free market system under Deng Xiaoping Overall economy surpasses Japan and recently the USA (but not if measured per capita) The Asian Tigers (South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore) invest heavily in export industry & education, and then move into high-end, high-profit industries like electronics
The Asian Tigers and Japan
3. The Cold War and economic inequality destabilized many Latin American countries Large economic inequalities leads to revolutionary workers’ movements that sometimes are also socialist or Communist Remember Pancho Villa & Zapata in the Mexican Revolution? Perónistas in Argentina Fidel Castro in Cuba Hugo Chavez in Venezuela recently Rightwing military dictatorships try to suppress these movements even if democratically elected… and the CIA helps them (Cold War politics) Augusto Pinochet in Chile and Operation Condor Some countries remain relatively stable (e.g. Mexico)
Map of 20th Century Dictatorships or Authoritarian Governments in Latin America Desaparecidos protest
4. The Middle East became a hotbed of conflict… The Creation of Jewish Israel Zionism increases after the Holocaust Leads to Jewish-Arab clashes in British Palestine 1947 U.N. proposes independence: split between Israel and Palestine with a shared capital of Jerusalem 1948 Instead there is a war and Israel takes it all… but some areas are still majority Arab Palestinian Arabs flee the fighting and are never allowed back home
1948: Independence & Refugees
Israel: Two Phases of Conflict 1948-1978: Neighboring Arab countries attack Israel several times, but Israel always wins Due to anti-Judaism & to end oppression of Palestinians Israel has British & French support 1978: Camp David Accords: U.S. brokers peace between Israel and Egypt 1978-present: conflict centers on Israeli settlements and Palestinian terrorism U.S. supports Israel and alienates the Muslim world
4. The Middle East became a hotbed of conflict… The Iranian Revolution 1953 U.K. and U.S.A. sponsor a coup vs. the democratic Prime Minister and replace democracy with an exiled shah (king) Over nationalization of a British oil company 1979 Shi’a students inspired by Ayatollah Khomeini launch the successful Iranian Revolution vs. western influence… an “Islamic Republic” Iran holds Americans from the embassy hostage for 444 days Iran is attacked by secular/Sunni Saddam Hussein (Iraq), but eventually wins a bloody nine year war Issues: Oil, Western power, religious divisions