English style in interior design of a house
The history of the emergence (появление) of English style of a house
Modern interior in English style looks as aristocratic, as it was two or three centuries ago.
George V Queen Victoria
English style in interior design of a house is respectable, elegant and refined.
Characteristics of English interior design: Natural wood; All shades (оттенки) of brown. Various furniture (мебель): Symmetry and smooth lines; Geometric pattern (форма), furniture decoration carved (резные) elements; Fireplace; Antique accessories and artwork.
Comfortable classic English chairs with “ears” high backrest low armrests wide seat
Chippendale chairs Bent (изогнутые) legs ( in the form of a lion’s paw), Curved armrests (извилистые подлокотники), Carved(резные) openwork (ажурные) backs
bookcases Low wide sofa Coffee tables
Walls trimming
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