Elephants By Noelia
What do elephants look like? 4 legs and 4 round feet Some have ivory tusks Tusks are long and curved Some have smaller ears (Asian) Males are lager than females
Where do elephants live? Live in Africa and Asia Some live in forests (Asian) Others live in savannas (African)
What do I know about elephant babies? Weigh about 250 pounds when born Stand 3 feet tall Females stay near mother whole life Males stay near mothers for 11 to 18 year old
What do elephants eat? Are herbivores Eat , fruit, grass, and bark Knock down trees to get food and scrape tusks on the bark to get bark
Other interesting facts Female elephants are called cows Male elephants are called bulls Tusks continue to grow throughout an elephants life
Source Title: Elephants Author: Adele D . Richardson Publisher: Bridgestone books Copyright Date: 2002