English Term 2 Week 7
Sunday 21st of February 2016 LO: to spell words with the j sound. giant energy large charge bridge badge gentle joined giraffe germ I charge my phone when the battery dies. I joined the football club near my house.
Sunday 21st of February 2016 LO: to identify main points of a non-fiction text. What did we learn last week? What is a non-fiction text? Brainstorm what we know!
Give out non fiction text books. Sunday of February 2016 LO: Give out non fiction text books. Go to page 8. Look at the map of Alton Towers. Look for: Title Sub headings Diagrams Map layout
Sunday th of February 2016 LO:• Sunday th of February 2016 LO:• To select relevant information from a text.
Sunday 21st of February 2016 LO:• Sunday 21st of February 2016 LO:• To select relevant information from a text. Title Subheadings Introduction Picture Caption 5 facts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why do you think the author used subheadings? ____________________________ Why do you think the author used paragraphs?
How can we present information? Paragraphs using sub headings Monday 22nd of February 2016 LO: To use spider diagrams and simple charts to present information. How can we present information? Paragraphs using sub headings Spider diagrams Bar chart/ pie chart
Monday 22nd of February 2016 LO: To use spider diagrams and simple charts to present information. This is a spider diagram. Why do you think it is called that? Is it effective? Why?
How is different from the Spiders non fiction piece of writing?
Monday 22nd of February 2016 LO: To use spider diagrams and simple charts to present information. This is a pie chart. Can anyone tell me what information is represented? Is this a good way of showing information? Why? Charts are used in non fiction writing too. They represent information in a visual way. What does the word visual mean??
Monday 22nd of February 2016 LO: To use spider diagrams and simple charts to present information.
LO: To use a dictionary. What do we use a dictionary for? To find a meaning. To spell a difficult word. Step 1: Look for first letter. When you have found first letter look for second letter. Check if your word is there.
LO: To find meaning of words using a dictionary. Find these words and write meaning in your copy. Lost crane Jacket Run gum
LO: To write a non fiction piece of writing. You are working in the zoo in Al Ain. You must prepare some information about one of the animals. elephants hippos snakes crocodile
LO: To write a non fiction piece of writing. Checklist Title Introduction Layout/ format Sub headings Pictures/ diagrams map