Receipt of Complaints Telephone – 89% (Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-4:00PM) Written – 10% Email, Facsimile and Postal Mail Other - <1% In person, media
Provider Types Nursing Pool Agencies Nursing Homes Hospitals Home Health Agencies Home Care Agencies Dialysis Centers Adult care homes (rest homes, family care homes) Rural Health Clinics Ambulatory Surgical Clinics Abortion Clinics Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs Hospice Agencies Nursing Pool Agencies Suppliers of X-ray Services Clinical Laboratories Psychiatric hospitals Psychiatric units within hospitals ICF/MR facilities Mental health group homes Substance abuse facilities and services Therapeutic camps Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
Complaints by Provider Type – FY17
Number of Complaints Adult/Family Care
Complaints Adult vs Family Care– FY17
Information Gathered What happened? How? When? Where? Who was involved? Were there any witnesses? Who did you tell about this? What did they do about it? Has this happened before? Has the resident/patient/client experienced any negative outcome? How has the negative outcome affected the residents/patients/clients functioning? Was the incident reported to staff? Is anything being done to prevent it from happening again? What is the resident’s current location? What is/was the room number in the facility? How often do you visit? Do you attend care plan meetings? If admitted to the hospital, is the resident returning to the facility? If hospitalized – do we need the hospital records?
Processing Complaints A complaint intake is entered into the DHSR database (ASPEN Complaints Tracking System – ACTS) within 2 business days of receipt. Complaint Intake Reports are faxed to the Adult Services Supervisor at the county DSS within 1 business day after completion as a courtesy. Complaint Intake Reports are mailed to the DSS Director within 1 business day after completion. An acknowledgement letter is sent to the complainant acknowledging the complaint has been processed and forwarded to DSS for investigation, with the name of the Adult Services Supervisor and telephone number.
Complainants The complainant may be anonymous or give his or her contact information. The Complainant may request State involvement. Requests for State involvement are forwarded to DHSR Adult Care Licensure Section for a decision. The decision for state involvement is made by the Adult Care Licensure Section. Complainants are informed their concerns will be forwarded to DSS for investigation.
Source of Complaints Adult Care – FY17
Entity (Facility) Reported Incidents Reports of allegations of: Abuse Neglect Misappropriation of resident or facility property Fraud against a resident or facility Diversion of resident or facility drugs Injuries of unknown origin
Death Reports Reports of deaths: Accidents Suicide Homicide/Violence Associated with restraint/seclusion use
Types of Deaths Reported Adult/Family Care – FY17
Death Reports Priority Adult Care - FY17