Tips and Tricks for Managing Very Young Learners By Taylor Grabowski
Very Young Learners are … Managing VYLs Complete these sentences with a partner: Very Young Learners are … A classroom routine I can’t live without is…
Managing VYLs What would you do if… …a shy student doesn’t want to talk? Use the microphone Give him/her time …a student misses her mom and won’t stop crying? Take care of Bruno Allow her to sit out …one student won’t participate? Situation-based: Just wants to watch or being disruptive? …one student has to go to the bathroom and now everyone does? Be proactive Set rules …a student has finished his work and is now wandering/off task? Various: books, help the teacher, complete unfinished work, etc. …students are not paying attention and keep squirming around? Switch your activity!
Managing VYLs Resources - Lots of resources and songs that kids can’t get enough of! - Free lesson plans and ideas to use with VYLs and YLs, plus some paid content. - Be careful not to get lost in all the wonderful ideas you get simply by typing in the keywords “preschool” and “kindergarten”! - Continue your development by taking an online YL course such as “Teaching Young Learners” or “Teaching CLIL”. You can also get ideas relevant to all ages and groups on the Oxford TEFL blog.
Managing VYLs Further Development Take the Oxford TEFL Teaching Young Learners course. Just for attending this workshop, you pay €300 instead of €350. That’s a €50 discount!
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