Susan Roudebush, intoCareers Consultant April 11, 2008 Meeting the Goals of the Massachusetts Model for School Counseling with MassCIS Susan Roudebush, intoCareers Consultant April 11, 2008
Goal: Show how MassCIS can facilitate implementation of the MA Model for School Counseling by: Providing easily implemented career planning curriculum aligned with MA CDE Benchmarks Assisting you in evidencing mastery of professional performance standards 1-10. Helping you measure the aspired student outcomes of the MA Model for School Counseling.
Agenda Warm-up activity Review MA Model delivery system goals in the areas of: Guidance Curriculum Responsive Services Individual Planning System Support Show how to use MassCIS to meet these goals Show how to use MassCIS to support counselor foundations Show how to evidence mastery of the MA Model’s CDE performance benchmarks and standards
Warm-up Who am I (ten years from now) Who am I (ten years ago)
“Possible Selves” Research and Career Planning Beliefs about what you: Might become Might like to become Fear becoming Behavioral Blueprints: Guide behavior and actions towards and against outcomes Influence opportunity structures, stereotypes, and social Messages -Sandra Kerka, 2003 ERIC Clearinghouse # ED481325 - -
Recommendations from Possible Selves Research: Use Imagery, role models, visualization, narrative and mapping of plans Interventions producing more vivid vision of possible selves yield enhanced achievement motivation Help students see relevancy of school and future goals Actively monitor goals that regulate and direct learning Identify and build skills needed to achieve goals Engage students in positive social group identity, harmonized with an achievement-oriented academic identity
I. The MA Model Inspired and guided by the ASCA Model and the MA Career Development Benchmarks Calls for the development and implementation of school counseling programs that promote student success in these domains: academic/ technical, workplace readiness, and personal social domains.
Delivery System Goals of the MA Model GUIDANCE CURRICULUM: Standards-based lessons and activities RESPONSIVE SERVICES: Services that address immediate and crisis needs of students INDIVIDUAL PLANNING: Advising interventions focused on planning and decision making SYSTEM SUPPORT: Activities to establish, maintain, and enhance the program
II. Using MassCIS to Meet Goals A. Standards-based Guidance Curriculum: Practical Learning Activities Over 600 activities, designed to infuse career information and career development concepts into various secondary curriculum areas, use national standards, SCANS skils, and 12 Keys topics MassCIS Portfolio Developmentally sequenced activities in six broad career development areas, paralleling MA Career Plan Model and CDE Benchmarks
PLAN Learning Activities
My Portfolio Home Page
B. Responsive Services Discovery and Passage Curriculum Over 300 activities, can be organized into a curriculum, targeting immediate and long-term student needs (ie. test anxiety, behavior management, conflict resolution and balancing stressors). Organized for sorting in four categories, including ASCA standards.
MassCIS On-line Curriculum
C. Individual Planning My Career Plan organized into six sections. sections include suggested activities that help student answer career planning reflective questions posed in each section. answers to the questions create the plan. Three levels of activities: Getting Started: Activities for 7th & 8th –beginning plans Looking Deeper: Activities for 9th & 10th to expand and update plans and explore dreams. Preparing for Next Steps: Activities for 11th & 12th, focus on getting ready for next life and learning after high school.
My Career Plan
D. System Support Portfolio Administration Tools Provide data analysis on use allow quality consultation/collaboration re: classroom, group, and individual career development of students among: Teachers Counselors Administrators Tools to help schools monitor program outcomes and support systematic planning
Portfolio Administration Tools
III. Using MassCIS to Support School Counselor Foundations Standard 1: Plan, organize and deliver the school counseling curriculum Standard 2: Implement individual planning interventions in collaboration with partners (e.g., teachers, parents) Standard 3: Provide responsive services in consultation with administrators, teachers Standard 4: Monitor student progress on regular basis Standard 5: Manage and use time effectively Standard 6: Collect and analyze school counseling data Standard 7: Encourage and provide system support Standard 8: Communicate regularly with the school council and other school advisory committees Standard 9: Conduct a yearly program audit Standard 10: Act as a student advocate, leader, collaborator and systems change agent
Standard 1: Plan, organize and deliver the school counseling curriculum CIS provides two powerful tools to organize and deliver this curriculum My Career Plan Curriculum/Framework Discovery and Passage Curriculum
My Career Plan Curriculum/Framework
Discovery and Passage Curriculum
Outline, 18-week Class Paste screen
Standard 2: Implement individual planning interventions in collaboration with partners CIS PLAN Activities
Standard 3: Provide responsive services in consultation with administrators, teachers
Standard 4: Monitor student progress on regular basis
Standard 5: Manage and use time effectively CIS is student-directed Puts course planning in the hands of students, thereby helping to make the planning process more meaningful CIS is classroom and group guidance oriented, by design CIS portfolios can be viewed at home, engaging parent support for planning
Standard 6: Collect and analyze school counseling data CIS maintains career planning and proficiency records than can be retrieved and analyzed
Sample Counseling Group Report Insert Sample
Standard 7: Encourage and provide system support Standard 8: Communicate regularly with the school council and other school advisory committees Standard 9: Conduct a yearly program audit CIS can generate various reports/audits, useful to system support, accountability and communication
Sample Report Insert sample
Standard 10: Act as a student advocate, leader, collaborator and system change agent You can foster change for students and your school using CIS!
Sample Audit
IV. Evidence Mastery of the MA Model’s Performance Standards The CDE Benchmark Crosswalk My Career Plan Portfolio Printout
In conclusion, you have seen how to use MassCIS to meet the goals of the MA Model for School Counseling to: Assure achievement of MA’s delivery system goals in all four areas Support counselor foundations Evidence mastery of the MA Model’s CDE performance benchmarks
Questions? 541-282-3005