What the SAM is this? Pine Ridge Elementary – DeKalb County, GA SAM Team: Annette Maclin, Principal Tracye Mann, Registrar/SAM Stacey Lynn Bromell, Assistant Principal/SAM To replace this picture, just select and delete it. Then use the Insert Picture icon to replace it with one of your own!
The SAM Daily Meeting
principal It takes a village to raise a child Who we are… Pine Ridge Elementary SAM Team… SAM: Ms. Mann SAM: Ms. Bromell Victim: Principal Maclin It takes a village to raise a child principal Just name and very brief roles: Annette Maclin, Principal Tracye Mann, SAM, Front Office Secretary, Registrar Stacey Lynn Bromell, SAM, Assistant Principal (the only one) You will learn more about us as we go along Annette_E_Maclin@dekalbschoolsga.org
SAM Implementation Continuum What is your experience with the SAM process?
I wish someone had told me… New to SAM? What would you like to know? Skilled Learner? What still challenges you? Expert? What advice would you give a new SAM team?
Question Management Write your questions on an index card Someone will collect your questions later in the presentation Questions will be addressed during the panel discussion
Deconstruct SAM meeting Examples of Data Use Panel Discussion Our Purpose What we hope to share Model SAM meeting Deconstruct SAM meeting Examples of Data Use Panel Discussion
Deconstruction of Daily Meeting Construction term: the selective dismantlement of building components Construction in reverse
Deconstruction Phase 1: Preparation Previous Afternoon: Every Morning: Meeting Prep: Reconciliation of calendar from previous meeting Scribble sheet from previous meeting Principal daily plan Becomes Scribble Sheet Updated calendar pages Time Track data sheets SAM notebooks
Preparation: Previous Afternoon Reconciliation of calendar from previous meeting Principal notes from yesterday’s meeting
Preparation: Every Morning Principal daily plan Daily plan becomes documentation “Scribble” sheet Lesson Plan Scribble Sheet
Preparation: Meeting Prep Updated calendar pages Time Track Data sheets SAM notebooks
Preparation: In the Notebook (A) Descriptor Descriptions / Examples Tabs for Resources School Schedules
In the Notebook (B) Completed Daily Calendars Implementation Guides Focus Questions SAMtastic Tips
Deconstruction Phase 2: Calendar Updates Mann: Maclin: Bromell: Reconciliation of calendar from previous meeting School events previously added Meeting requests tentatively added Principal Scribble sheet School calendar and Time Track on computer Clarifies coding: descriptors and associations Documents follow-up opportunities Collaboration with Mann for update questions SAM notebooks
Calendar Updates: Mann Reconciliation of calendar from previous meeting School events previously added Meeting requests tentatively added 3 days of calendars
Calendar Updates: Maclin Tuesday Maclin: Principal Scribble sheet School calendar and Time Track on computer Clarify coding: Descriptors / Associations Wednesday
Calendar Updates: Bromell Documents follow-up opportunities Collaboration with Mann for update questions
Deconstruction Phase 3: Data Review Teacher Support: Principal Instructional Support Team What does your data say about your priorities?
Data Review Group Impact Monthly % Time Spent on Instruction Administrator presence impacts teacher practice Identify professional learning needs Monitor implementation of best practice Does time spent align with school priorities? Monthly % Time Spent on Instruction
Data Review: Individual Teacher Support Track support type and frequency Document professional learning Multi-calendar support tracking Progress monitoring Administrator presence impacts teacher practice
Deconstruction Phase 4: Implementation Fidelity Focus questions Implementation Rubric SAMtastic Tip
Implementation Fidelity Instructional / Descriptor Targets
Deconstruction Phase 5: Building Updates General: First Responder concerns Staff meeting requests “Street Committee” concerns related to general operations Processes / Protocols
Building Updates Instructional: (Very Brief) Grade level concerns School improvement priorities
Deconstruction Phase 6: Instructional Follow-up Professional Learning: Peer observation Teacher Support Clinics Collaborative Planning focus Coaching support Follow Up: Revise processes / protocols Conference with teacher Classroom walk-through Attend grade level meeting Update Calendar
Panel Discussion/Questions Lessons learned Current focus Lingering challenges
Panel Discussion/Questions Strategies for success
Panel Discussion/Questions Audience Expertise/Tips
Deconstruct SAM meeting Examples of Data Use Panel Discussion Our Purpose: Review Model SAM meeting Deconstruct SAM meeting Examples of Data Use Panel Discussion
principal It takes a village to raise a child Thank You!! Pine Ridge Elementary SAM Team… SAM: Ms. Mann SAM: Ms. Bromell Victim: Principal Maclin It takes a village to raise a child principal Annette_E_Maclin@dekalbschoolsga.org