Edwise Editor & Education Consultant Unique and professional business support. Editing/writing Teaching Career development/maintenance
Why Get this Support? You and your staff likely have enough to do. You can outsource specific and specialized tasks economically and still keep up the quality and good image of your business. We offer custom-made orders and flexible scheduling and terms. We can stick to efficient timelines and communications by being able to go to you in person, or meet you elsewhere. We have access to three meeting spaces in Greater Vancouver. We can also function online with telephone consultations and electronic handling of materials. As well, we can easily receive your hard copies for editing by fax or post or courier at our downtown office.
EDITING SUPPORT Proofreading (perfecting the appearance, checking for consistency at final stage) Reviewing and advising for sense, clarity and style (=copy editing) Consulting you on a prepared text (feedback on content, readability, appearance) DOCUMENT TYPES: presentations, articles, publicity content, web content, brochures, contracts, manuals… Pricing: per page for editing ($5 to $10 a page); flat or hourly fee for a consultation (starting at $30)
WRITING SUPPORT Using your material to write up a report or publicity piece (your graphics, inserts) Writing an article or report following your directions to sources Blog or news writing following your directions and sources (no web design) Analysis or review from a social science or policy or literary perspective Pricing: $30 to $40 an hour, except analyses/ reviews ($50 an hour)
CAREER MANAGEMENT SUPPORT If you or any of your staff are going through life or job transitions, we are hear to offer carefully researched and valid support with one-on-one consultations or group seminars. If your business requires non-technical skills upgrades, we can help prepare your team by designing, coordinating and leading special seminars. If you are experiencing conflict on site, we can help alleviate by exploring workplace culture, guiding communications strategies and suggesting positive thinking techniques. Since workplaces are likely to have international participants and be located in multicultural communities, we can help advise and teach on intercultural relations and Canadian society. Also, we can create a business English study program particular to your staff’s and business’ needs. Pricing: Short and simple conversations, $10. Group prep and sessions: $35 an hour. Lessons we create and present : $40 an hour. Coordinating seminars you arrange with your presenters: $25 an hour.
CONTACT EDWISE TODAY! Postal Address: Edwise Editor and Education Consultant #708 – 1155 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC, V6E 2P4 Telephone: 604-638-3291 Facsimile: 604-605-7001 Email: edwise2008@gmail.com Website: (information and messaging/ordering) www.edwise2008.com