Blue Hills Educational Fund …Working Towards Your Child’s Educational Excellence! What is Blue Hills Educational Fund (BHEF)? BHEF is a non-profit organization that raises money to enhance the educational experience for all students at Blue Hills Elementary School –your children! 100% of your DONATION to BHEF stays at Blue Hills to benefit your child!! Who is BHEF? Parents like you! We volunteer to raise funds, and work closely with our principal and teacher advisor to fulfill BHEF’s mission. Our level of commitment is strong and unwavering. We always work hard for all students at Blue Hills! We meet monthly, and invite all to join us…EVERY meeting is open to the ENTIRE school community! No membership is needed! What BHEF does for your Child’s Education! Our annual fundraising goal of $150,000.00 supports: Technology needs for all – 1:2 ratio of Ipads per student in Primary Grades Technology needs for all – 1:1 ratio of Ipads per student in Upper Grades Math lunchtime club 5 times a week for ALL grades Librarian Technical/Media support for school Instructional Aides for ALL grades every day Teacher training conferences Teacher technical training/ipad training Music teacher for K-3 Keyboards for ipads in ALL grades Science enrichment instructors for grades 4 & 5 science programs 5th Grade Rockets Lawrence Hall of Science workshops for 4th & 5th grade Grade Level Hands on Science workshops Running Club and More!! What BHEF does for the School Community! Dine Outs – Movie Nights – School Dance – Family Bingo – Open House Food – Ice Skating, Holiday Fair, Time with Teachers, Silent Auction, Designer Bag Bingo, Kinder and First Meet and Greet and More! BHEF Support BHEF Today!
& PROUSA Blue Hills Educational Fund Summer's Here Movie Night 2016 Soccer Present Summer's Here Movie Night 2016 Event Begins at 7:30 P.M.---Movie Starts at approx. 8:30 P.M June 3, 2016 Blue Hills Blacktop --- Blue Hills Elementary RAFFLE DRAWING!!! You Can Still DONATE!! We will be accepting donations all night long Families that Donated to BHEF are Automatically entered into the Raffle! Candy, Popcorn, and Dipping Pizza, Hot Dogs, Drinks Dots Ice Cream for Sale! And Enjoy the Show! Bring Blankets and Chairs Parents Need to Stay It is not a drop off event. Inside Out is a PG rating BHEF… Working Towards Your Child’s Educational Excellence!
BHEF BHEF BHEF BHEF Good For One Free Popcorn Welcomes The Kinder Families BHEF Good For One Free Popcorn Sept 30, 2016 Welcomes The Kinder Families BHEF Good For One Free Popcorn Sept 30, 2016 Welcomes The Kinder Families BHEF Good For One Free Popcorn Sept 30, 2016 Welcomes The Kinder Families BHEF Good For One Free Popcorn Sept 30, 2016
BHEF Silent Auction BHEF Silent Auction All Proceeds Benefit The Blue Hills Educational Fund SPORTS, MOVIES, FOOD, HOME GOODS AND DÉCOR, VIP PARKING SPOT, DINNERS, LUNCHEON AND MORE! Friday, May 13 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Auction Closes Promptly at 7:00 pm BHEF Silent Auction All Proceeds Benefit The Blue Hills Educational Fund SPORTS, MOVIES, FOOD, HOME GOODS AND DÉCOR, VIP PARKING SPOT, DINNERS, LUNCHEON AND MORE! Friday, May 13 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM Auction Closes Promptly at 7:00 pm