Stealing, Highway Robbery, Dissatrous swearing, Suicide


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Presentation transcript:

Stealing, Highway Robbery, Dissatrous swearing, Suicide Major Sins in Islam Stealing, Highway Robbery, Dissatrous swearing, Suicide

Fatal Sin Twenty: Unfairness taking others money unjustly “And do not eat up your property amongst yourselves for vanities nor use it as a bait for judges with it intent that you may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of other peoples The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrong doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice, for such there will be a penalty grevious...” wrong doers will have no protector nor help the prophet said and unfairness is the darkness at the Day of Judgement he said also he who unfairs a span of hand on earth will be surrounded by seven layers of earth at the day of judgement Allah is never unjust in the least degree.

In the tradition, the prophet said A councel which Allah does not leave a bit of it (without ) is a councel of unfairness. The prophet also said unfairness towards the rich is unjust. The deadly unjust is a false promise or lying The prophet said he who takes other muslims right his right hand (intentionally) aught to go to hell. They asked Oh prophet of Allaah even if it is a tiny thing the prophet answers even if it was a pole of a small stick. The Prophet also said : There are men who deal with Allaah’s money unjustly, they will have hell Fire at the Day of Judgement. Jaabir May Allaah have mercy on him said that the Prophet said to k’ab Ibn Ujara : Flesh grown on ill gotten property does not enter Paradise, Hell-fire deserves it more. The Prophet also said : A body that was nourished with forbidden gains does not ever enter Paradise.

This sin includes all of the following: highway robbers, traitors, those who claim to know the future or the unkown to gain others money, cheaters, those who borrow things then deny them, those who cheat at weighing, those who find money and conseal it, those who sell some goods with faulty things in them and cover them, gamblers, and those who auction on a good they don’t want to buy but to increase the price on the buyer himself.

Fatal Sin Twenty One: Theft or Stealing As to the thief male or female, cut off his or her hands a punishment by way of example from Allaah for their crime. The Prophet said : Allaah damns the thief who steals [even] a robe, his hand must be cut off. The Prophet also said : If Fatima [the Prophets daughter] should steal, I will cut off her hand. The thiefs repentance does not work unless he gives back the stolen to his owner. If he is penniless he should ask the owner for forgiveness

Fatal Sin Twenty Two:Highway Robbery The punishment of those who wage war against Allaah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main, for mischief through the land is : execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting of the feet and hands from the opposite sides, or exile from the land : that is their disgrace in this world and a heavy punishment is theirs in the hereafter. Even scaring others at High ways is like commiting the sin itself, how then if he takes money, kills, or injures others?!

Fatal Sin Twenty Three: Disastrous swearing Ubdullaah Ibn Amru said that the Prophet said : The fatal sins are : Shirk, disobeying parents, kiling others unjustly, and false swearings. Disatrous swearing is lying intentionally when swearing, and it is called disastrous because it leads the swearer to deep hell. The Prophet said : a man said : By Allaah this man will never be forgiven. Allaah said : Who is this who claims upon me that I will never forgive this man, I forgave him and caused your work for loss. The Prophet said : There are those whom Allaah at the Day of Judgment, shall not praise nor talk to them and shall give them grievous torture they are, The one who lowers his clothes to the ground the remainder of charities, and the one who sells his goods by false swearing

Fatal Sin Twenty Four: Lying The Prophet said : The man still lies till he is written a liar in the book of Allaah. He also said : Three signs that are for the hypocrite, if he talks, he lies. If he promises, he breaks his promises, and if he is entrusted on something he betrays it. another hadeeth is : A pure hypocrite has four signs, anyone who has one of them is a hypocrite, he should try hard to leave it, these signs are : If he is entrusted on something, he betrays, if he speaks he lies. If he promises, he breaks his promise, and if he disputes with someone, he commits sins The Prophet also said : The man I saw, cutting his cheeks towards his back and his nose and eye towards his back, is the man who comes out of his telling lies that goes far away. The Prophet also said : al-Mumin is natured on everything but not treachery and lying.

Fatal Sin Twenty Five: Suicide .......Nor kill yourselves, for verily Allaah has been to you most Merciful. If any do that in rancour and injustice soon shall we cast them into the fire, and easy it is for Allaah. If you but eschew the most heinous of the things which you are forbidden to do, we shall expell out of you all the evil in you. Allaah the Almighty also says : Those who invoke not, with Allaah, any other god has made sacred, nor slay life as Allaah has made sacred, except for just cause, nor commit fornication.

Jundub Ibn Abdullaah said : The Prophet said Among those who were before you, there was an injured who gave up his recovery then took a knife and cut his arm which led to his death. Allaah said : My servant took his life by himself, thus I forbid Paradise on him. Abu Hurairah said : The Prophet said : He who stabs himself with a dagger, shall hold it [at the Day of Judgement] stabbing himself for ever in Hell-fire. And he who poison himself shall sip this poison in the Hell-Fire forever. The Prophet said about the one who kills himself with a sword to run away from his pains is : one of the dwellers of Hell. The Prophet also said : Cursing a believer is like killing him, and he who slanders a believer with shirk is his killer. and he who kills himself with something will be tortures with that thing forever at the Day of Judgement.