Deming’s 3rd Point Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place.
Cease Dependence on Inspection “In the first place, you can’t find all the bad products, not all of them.”
Inspect Bad Quality Out The Old Way Inspect Bad Quality Out
“ The result of such inspection is scrap, downgrading and rework, whish are expensive, ineffective and do not improve the process”
Manufacturing Habitat Furniture of Manama, Bahrain Action Lane Furniture
How does this work? Habitat Furniture this company relies on inspection heavily throughout the manufacturing process
Inspectors monitor all aspects of the process ending products that don’t meet specifications are reworked costs time and money
The New Way Build Good Quality In
Action Lane Furniture Functions of assembly line workers and inspectors is essentially combined
The result is the employee is his own inspector, and builds quality into each piece the components are of better quality