WSDOT’s Dynameq Projects Modeling & Analysis Section Transportation Data, GIS & Modeling Group Multimodal Planning Division September 20, 2016
WSDOT & DTA Modeling Lack of funding led WSDOT to undertake toll studies on several facilities Difficulties of traditional macroscopic models to accurately estimate travel time variations over time directed us towards DTA models
Why DTA Model? Issues with Static Model Implications Difficulty in accurately estimating travel time variations in an oversaturated, densely travelled urban setting (e.g., downtown Seattle) Very congested conditions on street network during peak periods in urban areas Implications Overstates traffic diversion from a toll project Not able to accurately predict patronage on toll facility Unable to assess different toll strategies
Goals for DTA Model Improve estimates of travel times on arterials and freeways Consider specific travel behaviors in network Queuing (esp. near ramps) Peak period Congestion Reasonable traffic diversion estimates
Why Dynameq? Changes in travel patterns due to tolls (Diversions), new roadways Better estimation of travel times used in assignment because of: Lane-level queuing Traffic control/signals Better simulation capabilities and display With its newer version, easier to do large scale DTA model
WSDOT’s Projects Many of the Dynameq projects are conducted by Consultants for WSDOT, while some of them are conducted in-house In-House Projects SR 202 project SR-167 extension project (Level 1 Toll Study) WSDOT Projects Conducted by Consultants Alaskan Way Viaduct Tunnel Project (Level 2 Toll Study & EIS) Alaskan Way Viaduct Tunnel Project (Level 3 Toll Study) Gateway Program Toll Study (Level 2 Toll Study & EIS)
Toll Projects in the Puget Sound Region Alaskan Way Viaduct DTA Model Focus Gateway Program DTA Model Focus
Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program Access Existing Viaduct Tunnel Projects SR 99 Tunnel (“Bertha”) Replaces Earthquake-Vulnerable Viaduct Parallel to Congested I-5 Freeway Waterfront Boulevard New Streets near Portals Tunnel Tolled Funded from several agencies and funding sources, including legislative direction for tolling Had been modeled to support Level 2 Tolling Analysis Now for Traffic & Revenue Study, (Level 3) using the same model with finer zone system N
AWV: Model Development Model Foundation Completed Network DTA Network for Seattle’s Center City DTA Time Periods 6-9 AM & 1-6 PM Dynameq Platform 2010 Network 230 Centroids 7,410 Links 2,790 Nodes 466 Signalized Intersections 763 Stop- or Traffic Circle-controlled Intersections 543,100 Trips (1-6pm) 2030 Network Build Network Coding Trips: 600,300 (1-6pm) Based on Relative Growth by O-D from Demand Model
AWV: Travel Times Comparison 15.0 mph 6.2 mph 13.7 mph 13.1 mph 19.7 mph 17:00 Travel Speed Plot January 15, 2013
Gateway Program Projects 2 Projects: SR 167 & SR 509 Freeway Extensions New freeways in suburban environments Both projects connect to I-5 Provide improved freight connections to ports and industrial areas Extensions Tolled Legislature funded projects through combination of gas tax and tolling Modeling to Support Level 2 Tolling Analysis
Gateway: Model Development Dynameq 3.1 2015 Network PM Peak Period 220 Centroids 8,452 Links 3,012 Nodes 518 Signalized Intersections 790 Stop-controlled Intersections 850,000 Trips (1-7pm) 2045 Network Build Network Coding Trips: 1.1 Million (1-7pm) Based on Relative Growth by O-D from Demand Model
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