What Is science? Why Study Science?
How do we acquire knowledge? Think about what it is you know. If you could categorize all of this information, knowledge, how would you do it? Philosophically, there are different types of knowledge: There are others, but to start, just understand that what you already know is profound and complex. PERCEPTION: information received from senses REASON: deductions INTROSPECTION: knowledge of self Things learned in the past is: MEMORY Information given to us is considered: TESTIMONY
Gained through personal experience Gained through being taught Categorize Knowledge If you could categorize ways of acquiring knowledge into two major categories what would they be? Is there a benefit or drawback to each? Being taught saves time, but you have to have a trusted source. Experiences take more time, but the knowledge gained sticks with you longer. Gained through personal experience Gained through being taught
What is science? I want you to think about this question for a minute. Be prepared to share. What is science to you? Formally, Science is the system of knowledge and the methods you use to find that knowledge. The system of knowledge…all the facts & concepts you will learn. The methods…how you find out about stuff you don’t already know.
Being skeptical… you can’t always trust your sources. Science involves… Being skeptical… you can’t always trust your sources. Being open-minded… “facts” change based upon given information. & Using Scientific Thought Scientific thought involves: making observations, asking questions, and educating yourself to discover new things. using evidence to draw conclusions, valuing fact over opinion, and being open to change when new discoveries are made. Science is mainly lived in a world where you don’t know but constantly discover by building on prior knowledge using the scientific method for credibility.
Scientific Thought Observations v. Inferences Observations: Information gathered using your senses Inferences: Judgements about observations filtered through experience and knowledge. You gather information using senses. These are OBSERVATIONS The judgements or conclusions reached from these observations, when filtered through your own experiences, leads to what are called INFERENCES. You INFERED things about the world constantly, using OBSERVATIONS and EXPERIENCES to help make decisions. Scientific thought involves trying to ascertain the truth behind your observations so your inferences are based in fact rather than opinion. You do this all the time without even thinking about it.
WHEN WILL I USE THIS IN MY LIFE? Why Study Science? Why is it important to study science? This question is very similar to the age-old question… WHEN WILL I USE THIS IN MY LIFE? “The Thinker:” Auguste Rodin, 1902
Why Study science? Everything you learn in science can be applied to your life… If you think about it hard enough… Concepts you learn apply to your growth, development, heredity, health, money, and understanding of how the world impacts your life and how you impact the world around you.
Why Study Science? An understanding of science can help you take better care of your health, be a wiser consumer, and become a better-informed consumer/citizen.
Why Study Science? The same critical thinking process that scientists use is a tool that you can use in your everyday life to solve problems.
Why Study Science? Learning scientific methods allows you to effectively investigate the unknown.
Why Study Science? By applying scientific thinking to a problem, you can help yourself and improve the world around you.
Why Study Science? Not to mention that studying anything involves refining you brain, making you smarter and increases your ability to learn anything. Learning is NEVER a bad thing.
science is… Investigative science is a survey of major science disciplines. Biology is the study of life specifically. …based upon an overview of 3 major categories of science. Physical science Chemistry, Physics, etc. Life Science Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution, etc. Earth/Space Science Astrology, Geology, Weather, etc. All are relevant and they often overlap with each other. Refer to your handout to discover many interesting fields in science. Use the other handout to identify major discoveries.
WHY STUDY SCIENCE? Assignment (20pts/HW) For Classwork/Homework: Write a 1-page persuasive letter explaining the importance of trying to learn about science to a sibling: (If no siblings then a younger cousin. If no younger cousin then make someone up) Answer this: (THIS IS YOUR CLAIM) Which type of science interests you the most? Choose from the “Fields of Science” & write about it. 5 paragraph format. Intro (1¶) 1¶ for each reason with explanation conclusion (1¶) Minimum 250 words. Must include 3 reasons why you chose this/why learning about this will improve your life. Practice using quality: punctuation, spelling, neatness Use quality please. Utilize the Persuasive Argument WS to guide your research Due ______________. Turn this in to your inbox if you finish early. Use the laptop to investigate the field in science you are most interested in. 5 Paragraph essay format Intro State the most interesting type or concept in science to you and 3 reasons studying this is beneficial. Paragraph 1 Describe 1 of your 3 Paragraph 2 Describe another of your original 3 Paragraph 3 Describe the last one of the original 3 Conclusion Restate the 3 things and close with some summative statement.
Closure This lesson was mainly to give an answer the question “why”. Before you leave, take a minute and score yourself. Did you learn anything? Was anything presented that you haven’t thought about before? Have your letters done when you come in tomorrow!
Unifying themes IN BIOLOGY Using and preserving our environment, responsibly Improving important necessities of life; like the water or food supply Understanding how genetics guides life Identifying , categorizing, and fighting disease Understanding what differentiates and unifies all life Energy’s and matter’s role in life Health & wellness