Enter your data Enter your data If you wish to distinguish between pre-intervention and post-intervention data, then that data should be placed in different columns. The “date” is put in twice, so we can see the differences later.
Wrapping the text
Making a Chart (or Graph or Plot) Highlight the data (in this case columns B through F, rows 1 through 16). Go to the Insert tab, Charts area and choose Column. The first choice in the upper left is called Clustered Column
Result so far We will make it look nicer a little later. Notice that the pre-intervention and post-intervention data is put in different colors. Also notice the gap between weeks. That is because Excel understands the dates and “knows” that there are missing dates: Saturday and Sunday.
Using the other date Excel will not recognize the entries in the first column as dates and won’t leave gaps for Saturday and Sunday. To highlight non-adjacent regions, first high one region, then hold down on the Ctrl key and highlight the other region.
New Result
Quick Layout With the chart highlighted and the Chart Tools/Design tab selected, you have access to the Quick Layout. These choices allow you to position titles, legends, etc.
Enter a title If you chose a layout with a title, then click in the box that says Chart Title and type your title If you highlight the text and go to the Home tab, you can change the font, font size, make it bold, etc.
Another way to add layout features In addition to Quick Layout, each individual aspect of Layout (title, axis labels, legends, etc.) can be added and positioned one-by-one by using the features found under the Layout tab.
Adding an Axis Title Here is an example of adding a vertical axis title.
Chart Area: Right click in the upper corner and choose Format Chart Area
Plot Area: Right click where data is but not on data (column)
Format Data Series: Right click on a column
Format Axis: Right click on text along axis
Result so far
Right click and select Copy
In PowerPoint, right click where your want the chart positioned and choose Paste
Result: Either add a title to your slide or cut the title box
Other Chart Choices
Stacked Columns: Adds up the data from the two columns
Line with markers