Service Orchestration Functionality- Service Decomposition February 22, 2017 Jack Pugaczewski - CenturyLink
LSO SOF SOF opportunities in Inventory, Topology, Events (TCA, faults), Configuration. Various sub-sets of components are used for fulfillment and assurance. Open source options include, but are not limited to: Hadoop Kafka Node.js (Orchestrator) GraphDB
SOF Functional Blocks
Service Decomposition Service decomposition begins with a MEF service request via LEGATO interface. The request will be a CRUD operation on a MEF service. MEF service = {EPL, EVPL, EP-LAN, EVP-LAN, EP-Tree, EVP-Tree, Access EPL, Access EVPL, Etransit}. Recommend focus only on MEF 6.2 services {EPL, EVPL, EP-LAN, EVP-LAN, EP-Tree and EVP-Tree}. Develop MEF Service Logic with rules engine.
Service Decomposition
MEF Rules Engine Flow MEF rules check is component of MEF Service Decomposition. MEF rules are based on MEF standards: MEF 6.2, MEF 10.3, MEF 45 for EVC Services. MEF 26.1/2 for OVC Services.
MEF Rules (not complete) MEF Service Verification (R-MEF-Rules_Engine.1) A rules engine functionality is required to perform a verification that the requested service is a valid MEF service. MEF ELINE Service UNI Count (R-MEF-Rules_Engine.2) A rules engine functionality is required to verify that the ELINE service request has exactly two UNIs. MEF CE-VLAN ID Preservation Check (R-MEF-Rules_Engine.3) A rules engine functionality is required to perform a CE-VLAN ID Preservation Check correctness across all UNIs. CE-VLAN ID Range Check (R-MEF-Rules_Engine.4) A rules engine functionality is required to perform a CE-VLAN ID Range Check. MTU Check (R-MEF-Rules_Engine.5) A rules engine functionality is required to perform an MTU check on all UNI(s). SM/Bundling/All-to-One Bundling (R-MEF-Rules_Engine.6) A rules engine functionality to verify SM/Bundling/All-to-One Bundling combinations as defined in MEF 10.2, Table 10.