Testing Dashboard web applications P. Saiz
Selenium Simulates user interaction on a web site Clicking, entering text, checking output Firefox plugin Batch mode Thanks Jarka! http://seleniumhq.org
Selenium in action
Tests Multiple actions: Action defined by name +2 arguments Open, click, wait, type, verify, assert Action defined by name +2 arguments Output in html: <tbody> <tr><td>open</td><td>/dashboard/request.py/siteviewhome</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>waitForTitle</td><td>Site View Home</td><td>5000</td></tr> <tr> <td>verifyText</td><td>T0 +T1</td><td></td></tr> <tr> <td>verifyTextPresent</td><td>T2</td><td></td></tr> <tr> <td>waitForTextPresent</td><td>T2 waiting room</td><td></td></tr> <tr><td>verifyTextPresent</td><td>Algorithm for calculating…</td><td></td></tr> </tbody>
Test suite Collection of tests Also saved as an html doc Testsuite can be run on an endpoint
Integrating with build system Proof of concept already done! http://dashb-ai-build/ When new release: Start new web server Install new module Configure database Run the tests Publish output
Next steps Create tests for other applications Alarms, notifications when tests fail Mark ‘insecure’ rpms Create ‘Hall of fame’