Telecommunicator Schedules and Work-Hours Wendi Lively, ENP April Heinze, ENP Chris Carver, ENP
Telecommunicator Schedules and Work Hours Attendees will discuss efforts to revise and update the existing NENA stand on Telecommunicators to include baseline recommendations on scheduling – number of hours, hours off between shifts, etc. including consideration of new information on Telecommunicator health and wellness and impacts of stress as well as new technologies.
Telecommunicator Schedules and Work Hours Primary Questions to be address: How are agencies meeting staffing and retention challenges Scheduling examples Pros and cons of rotating shift patterns Should personnel rotate between varying shift patterns What are the physical and emotional impacts of scheduling What are the impacts of excessive work on Dispatch health and agency performance What should the appropriate number of breaks during a shift period be What is the appropriate amount of time off between shift
Telecommunicator Schedules and Work Hours Session Deliverables: Framework for scheduling needs in the PSAP Obtain data to be used in the creation of the standard