COLCIA's Status Report to IFRRO Asia/Pacific Regional Committee Carl Yuan Liu Secretary General, COLCIA 2009.10.20
Status Report by COLCIA Nonprofit organization of publishers and authors with special legal privileges Sanctioned in 2005 by Taiwan's Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs Scope: oral and literary works Member of IFRRO since 2007 Mandates are voluntary and exclusive, and must be in totality for members It took COLCIA nearly 5 years of working with TIPO to get established. The last point is a sore point for COLCIA. Even though now there is a consensus to modify the law, such change is still months away. 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA Repertoire Mandates from authors and publishers in Taiwan, and working on major publishers and textbook authors Type A bilateral agreements with UK and Japan, and negotiating with China. Type B bilateral agreements with Denmark, Ireland, and Mauritius, and negotiating with Canada, India, Jamaica, and Trinidad. 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Copyright Status in Taiwan Pirating has been rampant especially in colleges Copyright raids every semester in the last 5 or 6 years have seen diminishing returns Ministry of Education and all levels of schools have conducted various copyright education campaigns resulting in almost universal awareness There are tricks that some photocopy shop owners play. It's much like drugs, the supply is caused by the demnd. 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Sentiments of all sides Rightsowners see no hope of containing piracy Rightsusers have no way to pay licensing fees Library administrators are getting increasigly nervous for illegal activities under their nose Photocopy shop owners are tired of being raided year after year and harrassed by the law 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA Tried and failed Blanket licensing with annual fees at various institutions Rightsowners view this as issuing blank checks to everyone and will not participate Exclusivity and totality requirements on mandates prevented major publishers from joining COLCIA COLCIA’s work has stagnated IPO only appvoved two rates with a per copy machine and per head basiis respectively, and the approved rates do not cover educational institutions. 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA COLCIA’s Solution Licensing under highly controlled environment Starting with out-of-circulation books and little circulated journals Available from libraries and professor’s studies All illegally copied until now Voluntary participation by photocopy shops and libraries Voluntary participation by rightsusers Expect new revenue to start now and grow later 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA COLCIA’s Solution Copies are made by photocopy shops and libraries (colleges), who are the legal rightsusers These rightsusers in turn sell the legal copies to the students and other end users Such Legal Copies are specially marked Every transaction is recorded in detail 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA Legal Copy Carries COLCIA sticker Photocopier stamps with name and address on front and on the side Copyright information and receipt for licensing fee Can be easily identified by school administrators and professors and the law COLCIA will go to authorities and verify the authenticity of any Legal Copy Similar to enconding names of CD copying factories for identification purposes. 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Legal Copy Front page has COLCIA sticker and stamp 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Legal Copy Store stamp on the side also 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Legal Copy Copyright information and receipt attached 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA Why will it work? Students who pay a licensing fee will demand a Legal Copy for the “extra” money he paid Forged Legal Copy will be caught by other students who paid full price for an authentic Legal Copy, and by other photocopy shops, too Violators may be fined, suspended of rights, terminated, prosecuted civilly, or prosecuted criminally Additional copyright enforcements will push non-paying copiers to join the payers 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA Why will it work? Photoshop owners who join the system can be free of legal entanglements and enjoy new form of business Most college libraries will ask the copy machine providers to implement the system Publishers make new mondy, and by licensing 20% of a book to be copied can make same profits as (or a half of) selling a book 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA
Status Report by COLCIA Outlook Initially, the publishers make new profits without hurting the existing revenues Eventually, paying to copy will become the norm Blanket licensing with annual fee will become practical YOUR COMENTS, PLEASE! 2009.10.20 Status Report by COLCIA