HiRadmat requests A. Fabich MSWG, 30. January 2015
HiRadMat beam times in 2014/2015 15 proposals received including 2 parasitic experiments HiRadMat Scientific And Technical Committee 9 proposals fully approved Proposals received most recently will be reviewed in the coming months Accumulated SPS cycle time 2012: 48 hours 2014: 8 hours (estimate) 2015: 75 hours (estimate) BLM TPSG4 GlassyC windows BPM diamond Berrylium samples Supra sextupole Collimator jaws Rotating collimator AD target UA9 crystal Microphone High power target Fiber BLM TDI Collimator materials MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
Beryllium windows, P. Hurh (FNAL) TPSG4, C. Baud Beryllium windows, P. Hurh (FNAL) Collimator studies, A. Bertarelli MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
High power target, N. Charitonidis, C. Densham CRY 2 A. Lechner Rotating Collimator, S. Redaelli Vacuum windows, C. Garion CF flange with glassy carbon windows High power target, N. Charitonidis, C. Densham End CF flange with glassy carbon windows MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
Injector schedule 7 HRM slots Every 4-5 weeks determined by RP aspects MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
Scheduling Slots every 4-5 weeks limited by RP aspects HRM personnel resources Overall interest being scheduled end 2015 Highest intensities available Readiness of experimental HW MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
Assigned beam slots MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
Beam parameters Most HRM tests are interested in highest energy deposition Over a representative cross-section Some requests for testing LIU equipment Missing intensity (compared to LIU) compensated with smaller than nominal beam sizes reducing the level of representative prototype testing MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
HiRadMat status Facility is ready for beam. Beam re-commissioning in week of 24th November Beam allocation in 2015 taken by submitted proposals MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
Adrian FABICH (secretary) Beam physicist – EN/MEF group Ilias EFTHYMIOPOULOS Senior beam physicist – EN/MEF group Stefano SGOBBA Materials Engineer – EN/MEF group Sebastien EVRARD Mechanical Engineer – EN/MEF group Stefano Redaelli Mechanical Engineer - BE/ABP group Alfredo Ferrari Senior physicist - EN/STI group MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich
MSWG 30. Jan. 2015 A. Fabich