Touched By the Risen Lord


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Presentation transcript:

Touched By the Risen Lord Easter 2017 Grace Baptist Church

The Passion Week of Our Lord Jesus Palm Sunday Monday Weeps over the City and Cleanses the Temple Tuesday Teaches in the Temple and on Mt Olives. Judas bargains for 30 pieces of silver Wed Silent prepar. day Thursday Passover meal, garden prayer, Judas’ kiss, Peter’s denial Saturday His body was in the grave Sunday His Resurrection Friday 6 trials of Christ, His crucifixion death, and burial, Passover lambs slain

Your Risen Lord Wants to Meet Your Need. With whom do you identify? Are you like Mary who was stunned by sorrow? John 20:1,2,11-18 Because He is risen, He can bring comfort. Are you like Thomas who was dogmatic in his doubt? John 20:19,20,24-29 Because He is risen, He can give faith. Are you like Peter who was finished by failure? John 21:1-19 Because He is risen, He can grant forgiveness.