Contents Introduction Why do Penguins Huddle? HUDDLE Graph About the HUDDLE Graph FACT FILE! Bye!
Introduction This Powerpoint will explain to you why penguins huddle together and much more. After watching this you will realise just how intelligent penguins actually are! These are baby penguins!
Why do Penguins HUDDLE? Penguins live in the southernmost part of the world, ANTARCTICA! Which means snow blizzards are exceedingly common! So, huddling together keeps the penguins warm. A clip we saw showed just how close penguins get when huddling which squashes out the cold air! Even the babies try!
About the HUDDLE Graph This graph shows temperatures (of water) changing in different places of a penguin huddle represented by a model. The experiment proves that the centre penguin got the hottest at a final temperature of 27° C whereas the other penguins were two degrees colder (25° C each). This investigation took place over a period of 25 minutes.
FACT FILE The coldest place IN a penguin huddle is the outer part because the wind’s blowing all over you. The warmest place IN a penguin huddle is the centre because you’re nice and snug next to the warm fur of your fellow penguins. Penguins rotate within their huddles so that every penguin (King, Emperor or Vice President Penguin) gets a go in the cosy middle!
Typer: Allie Thinker: Amy and Allie Reader Alouder: Amy Picture Picker: Allie and Amy Huddle Graph Designer and Maker: Allie Clicker: Allie ~Special thanks to~ Macaroni Penguin All penguins featured Oxford Dictionary