PLANTING PURPLE PENGUINS By: Christina Rego, Dominique Conte, Jack Longenecker
Our Research Question How does the level of water salinity affect the way Buckwheat and Mungbean seeds grow?
Our Hypothesis The seeds in fresh water will have a higher degree of tolerance towards the salt water and will germinate and grow faster than the seeds in the salt water.
Our Variables Dependant Variables: The rate of plant growth of Buckwheat and Mungbean seeds. Independent Variables: The level of water salinity. Controlled Variables: The types of seeds, amount of water provided, the type and amount of soil, & amount of sunlight.
Our Experimental Design We will need: -Soil. -Salt water. -Regular water. -12 Buckwheat seeds. -12 Mung bean seeds.
Our Groups 2 experimental groups: Buckwheat fed with salt water and Mung Bean fed with salt water. 2 Control Groups: Buckwheat fed with fresh water and Mung Bean fed with fresh water. We will water our seeds once a day.
Our Procedure 1- Put 1 cup of soil in 4 separate containers. 2- Plant 12 Mung Bean seeds in containers 1 & two. 3- Plant 12 Buckwheat seeds in containers 3 & 4. 4- Containers 1 & 3 will be the control group and will be treated with fresh water. 5- Containers 2 & 4 will be our experimental group and will be treated will salt water. 6- Each container will be fed 20 ML of fresh/ salt water everyday. 7- Check for growth daily and record changes.
Our Conclusion Our hypothesis was proved right based on that data we gathered in the investigation. The seeds in fresh water grow more plants then the seeds in the salt water. The groups that was given fresh water sprouted the most number of seeds, average of 70 %. Where as the average number of sprouts for the salt waters groups were only 25 %.