Working Group 1 Report from Warwick (Conveners: Adrian Bevan, Chih-hisang Cheng, and Thomas Mannel) With thanks to Tim Gershon for his efforts in the run up to and through the meeting. Adrian Bevan
Overview Thanks to all of the contributors! 4 sessions / 10 talks sin2 in penguins Lazzaro, Jung, Perez, Mannel Charmonium Cheng d and s: Lenz, Renga Possible SuperB precision on md: David Asgeirsson Is the Unitarity Triangle Right? Harrison Potential precision in alpha at SuperB: Bevan Thanks to all of the contributors! SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
sin2 from s-penguins Martin: NP Tension Alfio: Experimental review Alejandro: Dalitz Mannel: Charmonium theory uncertainties SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
sin2 from s-penguins We’ve been looking for NP in penguin loops… But don’t forget that NP can also affect the trees! Look for NP in trees NP in penguins Then resolve the meaning of what we find. Reference clean SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
Charmonium Chih-hsiang SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
d and s Alexander Francesco SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
Possible SuperB precision on md: David SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
Is the Unitarity Triangle Right? SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
Potential precision in alpha at SuperB SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan
Summary Thanks to all of the contributors! 4 sessions / 10 talks sin2 in penguins Lazzaro, Jung, Perez, Cheng, Mannel d and s: Lenz, Renga Possible SuperB precision on md: David Asgeirsson Is the Unitarity Triangle Right? Harrison Potential precision in alpha at SuperB: Bevan Thanks to all of the contributors! A lot of interesting contributions All main areas reviewed Now the work starts: update a select few analyses using FastSim to understand optimization issues etc. Continue to review the state of the art in how we interpret results. SuperB Perugia June 2009 Adrian Bevan